Of course, you should have probably already done this by this time of the day, guys, but, hey, there is always tomorrow
Men see lingerie as gift-wrapping for a shag; women generally want something more lasting than a one-night lingerie stand. No wonder expensive mistakes happen. Many men have trouble equating the scanty thing on the hanger with the woman at home. These men suffer from wife/ girlfriend dysmorphia and believe their other half is a Pussycat Doll with a penchant for slutty red lace teddies. Hence men buy flimsy triangle bras for women with big boobs, or skimpy thongs for fat-bottomed girls. For many, the equation, is an unassailable truth. But that’s not the worst of it. Buying the wrong size is the biggest faux pas. All woman take this personally, and while not grounds for divorce, it is evidence of general negligence. If you don’t know her size, ask or check the labels on the underwear she wears regularly.
Buying online removes lingerie-department panic, brought on by a proximity to too many frilly things. But to get lingerie shopping spot-on, men need to think a little more like women. So prize pretty over slutty, appreciate quality and be prepared to pay for it. And never, ever give her Spanx. That will kill the romance dead.
In other words, Victoria’s Secret at worst, Fredrick’s of Hollywood, um, yeah, skip that.
But Pirate lingerie is always a hit (SFW)

Yarrr! I’ll be in my bunk!
Lingerie rocks!