Happy Sunday! It’s a gorgeous, but chilly, day in America. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help from Patriotic Puppy.
What is happening in ye olde blogosphere?
- Neptunus Lex tears Media Matters a new one
- The Mumbai terror probe is leading to…… The Counterterrorism blog has the answer
- What happens when someone donates $100 to a Prop 8 group? Don Surber knows
- Flopping Aces has a review of the snoozefest The Day The Earth Stood Still
- Woah! An Interwebz browser just for Black people? That sounds…racist. Van Helsing has the story
- Ogre has a killer picture of a fire rainbow
- The smartest dog in the world? The Anchoress has it. Who’s a big sweetie?
- Raven has some great photos of the ice in New Hampshire. And the photo of breakfast is killing me
- Oh, good, another Christmas song banned. And you will NEVER guess by whom. See The Jawa Report for the 411
- Say, what did the weather look like in 1938? Watts Up With That? has the answer
- OVer at Wake Up America, guess whose birth certificate is more authentic then Barry’s?
- It’s 3am: Do you know where your chief of staff is? Heh. See Cassandra
- The Radio Equalizer points out that it is now OK to use Barry’s middle name
- Guess who showed up in Iraq? Jules Crittenden has the low down
- And last, but definately not least, This ain’t Hell.. finds yet another phony IVAW soldier. The post is another in a long line by John investigating the IVAW, and is incredibly researched and detailed. Well worth a read to see what kind of people these IVAW are.
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet?
BTW, Blogrolling, can you PLEASE finally fix your shat? Been damned near 2 months.

Thanks for the link, Teach. I only wish I had actually taken the picture (and seen that) myself!
It was definitely cool. Would love to see something like that live, too.