Your snort worthy Op-Ed from the New York Times. After spending many, many, many paragraphs describing how bad the conflict between Rwanda and Congo has been, including a slight mention of the genocide in Rwanda (but no mention of how many – 850,000 – nor how the United Nations and Clinton looked the other way), Herman J. Cohen brings us
This provides an opportunity for the incoming Obama administration. Acts of war and military occupation aside, there is a natural economic synergy between eastern Congo and the nations of East Africa, including Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. The normal flow of trade from eastern Congo is to Indian Ocean ports rather than the Atlantic Ocean, which is more than a thousand miles away.
After his inauguration, Barack Obama should appoint a special negotiator who would propose a framework for an economic common market encompassing Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. This agreement would allow the free movement of people and trade. It would give Rwandan businesses continued access to Congolese minerals and forests. The products made from those raw materials would continue to be exported through Rwanda. The big change would be the payment of royalties and taxes to the Congolese government. For most Rwandan businesses, those payments would be offset by increased revenues.Â
And The Messiah healed East Africa in 6 hours. Tada!Â
And then they all engaged in massive trade and sang Kumbaya songs in worship of The Messiah.
Crossed at Stop The ACLUÂ

Last time I checked the old Rand McNally World Map Africa was a continent and not a country.There are a lot of countries in Africa.