Well, this was ALMOST one of those Christmas hating stories, but, better yet, it’s a plain old hating on Christianity story involving the Nanny state and Muslims, though, to be honest, it wasn’t Muslims who asked for the cross to be banned
JAIL bosses have sparked fury by banning a cross from their new chapel in case it offends Muslims.
Officials were ordered to remove the traditional symbol during renovations.
And the new “multi-faith space†must double up as a place of worship for Christian and Muslim inmates.
But while the room features heated spas for Muslims to wash their feet, there is only a portable Christian altar which can be wheeled in and out when necessary.Â
This occured in jolly old England at the Lews Prison in East Sussex, soon to be exported to American prisons. Of course, considering how many Mexicans and other hispanics are in US prisons, well, the word that comes to mind is “riots,” since so many are Catholics.
Money quote
Conservative MP Philip Davies told the Daily Star yesterday: “It’s barmy politically-correct madness no doubt dreamed up by some white middle-class, lentil-eating, sandal-wearing do-gooder.Â
More: Maybe Muslims were involved in the decision. Via a link found at And Rightly So!:
Plans to include the traditional Christian crucifix were erased from the chapel’s blueprints on the advice of a Muslim imam, the Daily Mail reported.