Hey, look it’s the dictator who Barry wants to have one on one convo’s with, and told Barry, “um…no.”
Iran’s president is offering season’s greetings to Christians in a British TV address and suggests that if Jesus were alive, he would oppose “bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist powers” – an apparent reference to the U.S. and its allies.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Christmas Day broadcast will be delivered on Britain’s Channel 4 television, occupying a slot that provides an often controversial counterpoint to Queen Elizabeth II’s traditional annual message, the station said Wednesday. A leading British Jewish body said it was appalled.
According to a transcript released in advance, Ahmadinejad says most of the world’s problems stem from leaders who have turned against religion. The Muslim president doesn’t refer to rival nations or leaders by name or mention Israel, despite his past calls to wipe it out. (snip)
“That (Channel 4) should give an unchallenged platform to the president of a regime which denies the Holocaust, advocates the destruction of the sovereign state of Israel, funds and encourages terrorism, executes children and hangs gay people is a disgrace,” Ron Prosor said. “Outrage doesn’t begin to explain it.”
British human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell echoed the comments, saying the broadcaster was “aiding and abetting a tyrant.”
“This is the equivalent of giving (Zimbabwean ruler) Robert Mugabe a prime-time television slot to promote his propaganda,” he said.
Good thing Mahmoud was given a platform for this crap by the dhimmi’s in Britain. I wonder of Barry will give him the honor next year.
Moving on from stupidity to idiocy
SCIENTISTS have warned that Christmas lights are bad for the planet due to huge electricity waste and urged people to get energy efficient festive bulbs.
CSIRO researchers said householders should know that each bulb turned on in the name of Christmas will increase emissions of greenhouse gases.
What’s scary is these climahysterics are serious. Being that it is Christmas Eve, I leave the rest of the snark to be visualized, OK?