Monthly Archives: January 2009

President Bush, AKA MR. Environment

How can that possibly be? LA Times: Bush to create three marine monuments  President Bush will create three national monuments in the Pacific Ocean today, protecting waters near U.S.-controlled islands that contain some of the world’s richest diversity of corals, fish and other sea life as well as unusual geological formations in the deepest undersea […]

NASA Tells Barry To Nuke Australia For Global Cooling

Say, remember that letter that James Hansen wrote to Barry and Michelle Obama (why in the hell is Michelle included? Last time I checked, she was simply going to be the First Lady)? Well, he has expanded on it, and it is now on the Interebz. And the Aussies get a boatload of the blame […]

Hamas’ Az-Zahar: Kill The Jewish Children

I wonder how the Hamas/Islamist apologists on the Left will spin this? [Hamas spokesman Mahmoud Az-Zahar] leader called to murder Israelis and Jews worldwide, including children. “The Israelis have sentenced their children to death… They have legitimized the killing of their people all over the world,” he said. Hamas’ platform calls for all Jews to […]

Diane Feinstein: Leon Panetta Terrible Pick

You have to respect the fact that Diane is facing reality, unlike so many leading Democrats, and, interestingly, CNN goes with a word in a headline one rarely sees in relation to a Democrat: “slams” Feinstein slams Obama CIA head pick Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the Senate’s incoming Intelligence committee chair, slammed President-elect Barack Obama’s choice of […]

AGW Today: Science? Here’s Your Science

Climahysterics constantly scream for facts, proof, science!!!!!! from those of us who do not believe that the warming of the Earth was caused mostly or solely by Man*, yet, rely on proclamations by Al Gore and the bureaucrats at the United Nations for their information. How ’bout this? Thanks to a rapid rebound in recent […]

2008 Weblog Awards Have Started-Sticky

They have started. Hook a pirate up. First time I have been in one of these. Easy poll voting in the extended post.

Clintonista Leon Panetta To Be Named CIA Director

Not the most original of headlines, granted, but, gotta love the Change President-elect Barack Obama has selected Leon E. Panetta, the former congressman and White House chief of staff, to take over the Central Intelligence Agency, an organization that Mr. Obama criticized during the campaign for using interrogation methods he decried as torture, Democratic officials […]

Come On, Get AGW Active In 2009

Today’s Climahysteria As we begin a New Year, please join me in taking the Climate Change challenge personally. By resolving to get active in your community and make small but important changes in your daily life, you’ll not only get to know your neighbors better, but you’ll also get connected to a global effort to […]

4 D.C. Metro Stations To Be Closed On Coronation Day

Know what’s great? Being told you can’t use the parking spot you paid for Metro plans to ban public automobile parking at four Metrorail stations on Inauguration Day to accommodate employees and charter buses. Reserved parking permits will not be in effect Jan 20. “If you think you are going to pull into your usual […]

Today’s Nanny State Stories-Family Friendly Edition!

A double shot of the family friendly from Jolly Ol’ England. First up, know what’s great? Your parents getting a divorce for better benefits David Cameron today attacked ministers’ failure to protect the family after it  emerged that couples with children can become more than £5,000 a year better off if they split up or […]

Pirate's Cove