Monthly Archives: January 2009

Obama Breaks Another Promise. This Time On Osama

Change You Count On Changing When It Changes Because It Changes Because Change Is Hard To Change (my brain hurts now). And, of course, the story comes from overseas, where the media is not so besotten with hopeiness of The One: Barack Obama: it is no longer essential to kill Osama bin Laden Barack Obama […]

David Milband: Calling It “The War On Terror” Was A Mistake

But, before you go “@#$&*$ you, David, you must be a terrorist lover!,” let’s sit back for a moment and consider. ‘War on terror’ was wrong: The phrase gives a false idea of a unified global enemy, and encourages a primarily military reply Seven years on from 9/11 it is clear that we need to […]

Osama Has A Message For Obama

Strong words for someone hiding in a cave while he sends others off to die: Bin Laden Challenges Obama in New Audio Message (video goodness at the link) In a direct challenge to President-elect Barack Obama, Osama bin Laden questions whether America “is capable to keep fighting us for more years” in a new audio message […]

Drinking Coffee Makes You See Ghosts

Aaaannnnndddd tttttthhhhhaaat cccccooouuulld beeeeee baaaaaaaddddd! TOO much coffee can make people think they have seen a ghost, scientists have discovered. Coffee fans who drink more than seven cups (WT: or drink a Red Bull) of instant a day have an increased tendency to hallucinate, including believing they have seen a spook. And high caffeine users were […]

Today’s Nanny State: Music Fine and Ancient Tradition

Surprise! England gone wild! A mechanic faces a £2,000 fine if customers drive into his garage with their car radios on – because he does not have a licence to listen to music. Len Attwood does not have a radio himself and has been forced to put up a sign in his workshop asking punters […]

US Official Says G’itmo Vacationer Joined A Fraternity

Oh, the horror!!!!!!!!!!! Detainee Tortured, Says U.S. Official The top Bush administration official in charge of deciding whether to bring Guantanamo Bay detainees to trial has concluded that the U.S. military tortured a Saudi national who allegedly planned to participate in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, interrogating him with techniques that included sustained isolation, sleep […]

2 Men Stoned To Death In Iran, 3rd Escapes

One of the Left’s favorite countries, who they keep telling us do not do barbaric things like stonings, uh, well, does TEHRAN, Iran – Two men convicted of adultery were stoned to death in northeastern Iran last month but a third convicted man managed to escape, Iran’s judiciary spokesman said Tuesday. Ali Reza Jamshidi said […]

United Nations Wonderful Use Of Money

I wonder what the crapweasels at the U.N. are up to? Last May the United Nations broke ground on a $300 $149.5 million, 175,000-square-foot building on the North Lawn of its property on the East River, to house the Security Council, the U.N. conference organizations, the General Assembly and the organization’s eclectic art collection. Yet […]

Dumbass Of The Day

There are some other choice words to describe this fella and what he did, too GREENFIELD, Calif.—Police have arrested a Greenfield man for allegedly arranging to sell his 14-year-old daughter into marriage in exchange for $16,000, 100 cases of beer and several cases of meat. Police said they only learned of the deal after the […]

AGW Today: Obama’s Climahysteria Czar Has Socialist And Carbon Offset Ties

There is a reason I, and most of the rest of the Deniers and Skeptics say that anthropogenic global warming has little to do with actual science, and more to do with control and money. So many normal everyday things you do are “bad for the environment,” ie, climate change, so they want you to pay […]

Pirate's Cove