February 9, 2009 – 8:17 am
All is not unicorns and care bears down at Club Gitmo. I wonder why But first, Lieutenant-Colonel Yvonne Bradley, a US military attorney for 20 years, will reveal that Mohamed, 31, is dying in his Guantánamo cell and that conditions inside the Cuban prison camp have deteriorated badly since Barack Obama took office. Fifty of […]
February 8, 2009 – 6:00 pm
Everybody panic! UCONN Police Reporting a Suspicious Occurrence and Safety Alert: On 2/7/09 at approximately 6:35 PM a suspicious incident occurred at Hilltop Apartments, in the parking lot between the Beard and French buildings. A male approached a female from the opposite direction and came up within several feet of her personal space. The female […]
February 8, 2009 – 2:02 pm
Perusing some photo’s over at NASA’s site, ran across this relatively new one from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and others Click it for bigger size, or head to NASA for really big. This image of Centaurus A shows a spectacular new view of a supermassive black hole’s power. Jets and lobes powered by the central […]
February 8, 2009 – 10:44 am
Happy Sunday! It is a beautiful global warming day in America. Warm temps, sun is shining, a good day. This pinup is by Bill Medcalf, with some help from Patriotic Bulldog What is happening in ye olde blogosphere? Wolves in sheeps clothing pandering to Conservatives and trying to dupe them. Duncan at And Rightly So! […]
February 8, 2009 – 9:39 am
Hmmm, how many times during the HopeyChangey campaign (which is still going strong at barackobama.com) did we hear something similar to this? As President, I would deploy at least two additional brigades to Afghanistan to re-enforce our counter-terrorism operations and support NATO’s efforts against the Taliban. Now we get PRESIDENT Barack Obama has demanded that […]
February 7, 2009 – 3:20 pm
Apparently, all is not well in HopeyChangyLand, or, as Don Surber puts it “Hope. Change. The rest of the world still hates us.” The US, for the first time since 2005, has surpassed Russia in positive ratings, with an average of 40% compared with 35% last year. But it is still rated negatively by 43% […]
February 7, 2009 – 8:15 am
Poor things. Someone should tell the Florida Manatees about global warming OK, that’s not fair, but it got your attention. This winter has been cold all the way down to Florida. Yesterday morning, 90% of the nation had temperatures dropping below freezing. However, this latest arctic air mass has made it all the way down to […]
February 7, 2009 – 7:58 am
Notice that this did not happen while Bush was President? Sure, the Iranians railed at Bush, the USA, the EU, Zionists, etc, but they were not trying to dictate policy and get any of the aforementioned to change their tunes. But now, with the Obambi administration, they sure feel emboldened Iran sternly dismissed decades of […]
February 6, 2009 – 7:05 pm
Um, huh? The new Senate cuts, if passed, “will do violence to the future,†said Pelosi, who is also pressing a reluctant Obama to repeal Bush administration tax cuts for the wealthy before they expire at the end of 2010. Unfortunately, it looks like some wishy washy Rerhinocans have made a deal, so, instead of only […]
February 6, 2009 – 9:50 am
Think this will go over well with the Obamanuts? A TASMANIAN winery has launched a new range of wines with labels featuring terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. Another label reproduces an image that surfaced from the torture scandal at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, of a hooded prisoner with electric wires attached to his hands. […]