AGW Today: Jacking Taxes With C&T While Warming Is On Hold

From the “Good Move, Slick!” files

President Barack Obama’s proposed cap-and-trade system on greenhouse gas emissions is a giant economic dagger aimed at the nation’s heartland — particularly Michigan. It is a multibillion-dollar tax hike on everything that Michigan does, including making things, driving cars and burning coal.

The president is asking for a system of government limits on carbon emissions. The right to emit carbon would be auctioned off to generate revenue for more government spending programs.

The goal, according to the president’s budget outline, is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide to 14 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.

Doing so will drive up the cost of nearly everything and will amount to a major tax increase for American consumers.(snip)

The Obama cap-and-trade program will place even more of the economy under the control of the federal government. The only upside is that the negative impact it will have on economic growth and job creation will take care of the carbon emissions problem, for sure.

The article is written from the point of view that cap and trade will sink Michigan, so, I guess that they are losing that hopey changey feeling. Also known as buyers remorse. It’s like getting a $10 million loan from the mob to buy a boat that you don’t particularly like and is sinking, and now the government wants to tax you on not only the boat, but the water that it is taking on. And that is without even considering that cap and trade is simply a shell game, moving CO2 output around the board, paying all sorts of fees, but never actually reducing the amounts of CO2 that are output.


But climate is known to be variable — a cold winter, or a few strung together doesn’t mean the planet is cooling. Still, according to a new study, global warming may have hit a speed bump and could go into hiding for decades.

Earth’s climate continues to confound scientists. Following a 30-year trend of warming, global temperatures have flatlined since 2001 despite rising greenhouse gas concentrations, and a heat surplus that should have cranked up the planetary thermostat.

Um, oops? How is that possible? Could it be that natural forces are far more powerful then anything Mankind is doing, and that CO2 is not as big a deal as the Climahysterics tell us (right before they get in their SUVs and crank the A/C up to go buy Arugula)?

Of course, the article does end with a bit of that typical hysteria. Check it out and laugh.

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3 Responses to “AGW Today: Jacking Taxes With C&T While Warming Is On Hold”

  1. Reasic says:

    Um, oops? How is that possible? Could it be that natural forces are far more powerful then anything Mankind is doing, and that CO2 is not as big a deal as the Climahysterics tell us (right before they get in their SUVs and crank the A/C up to go buy Arugula)?

    Of course, the article does end with a bit of that typical hysteria. Check it out and laugh.

    LOL!!! Mr. “I only read what I want to read” can’t see the forest for the trees again.

    The article is half description of the issue and half explanation, and you quote the first half and write the second off as “typical hysteria”. Hilarious! You ask how that is possible (as if you really wanted to know), and then completely write off the possible explanations given. What a joke.

    You are the most close-minded, partisan, intellectually incurious person I think I’ve ever seen. You don’t have a CLUE what you’re talking about, but you’re still more than willing to spew talking points and conjecture at the drop of a hat. Please at least inform yourself to the point that you can put up a semi-intellectual argument in your defense. You are so easily debunked, and you haven’t the slightest idea how to respond to the simplest of criticisms. It’s laughable.

  2. Talk about only reading and believing what you want. Yet, you, like most of the rest of the true believers, want everyone else to change their lives, you just don’t want to change yours. Why is that? Kinda hard to take you and others serious when you don’t walk the talk.

  3. Reasic says:

    Yet, you, like most of the rest of the true believers, want everyone else to change their lives, you just don’t want to change yours. Why is that? Kinda hard to take you and others serious when you don’t walk the talk.

    1. I believe the phrase is “walk the walk”, but I digress.

    2. I’ve given you a list of the steps I’ve taken. I’ve asked you over and over to give me some specifics on what I should be doing differently. By refusing to get into specifics, you have continually proven that you are only spouting talking points. There is no substance here. Any time I bring substance to the discussion, you run. I wonder why THAT is?

    3. You always talk about what most of the “true believers” do, but again, you’re just generalizing and speculating. You really have no idea. You’re just pulling **** out of your ***, to put it bluntly. Let’s talk about what you DO know. Oh, wait. That conversation would end very shortly.

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