Because we all need a break from politics now and then, and, seriously, how fun is it to read and write “wombat poo?”
A north-west Tasmanian company is launching a product made from wombat poo.
Creative Paper attracted worldwide interest for its ‘roo-poo’ paper in 2005.
Darren Simpson from Creative Paper says the paper is green or gold depending on the time of year the droppings are harvested.
He says the company is pleased with its quality and texture.
“One of the things that we’re finding is that wombats are much cleaner and do a much better job of pulping it, so we’re finding it’s a lot easier to make paper from wombat poo in comparison,” he said.
And the wombat poo paper is environmentally repsonsible! The wombat poo is gathered from from captive wombats, rather then those in the wild, and, since they are using wombat poo, trees are not cut down! (yes, I know that typically there are tree farms for paper nowadays. I’m on a wombat poo roll here.) The only thing missing is how wombat poo relates to reducing anthropogenic global warming!
And, no, I am not fully over my bought with the flu. Why do you ask?