They are apparently going to go after all greenhouse gasses. I wonder if that includes water vapor, the #1 greenhouse gas?
Declaring that greenhouse gases are a significant threat to human health, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed listing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases as pollutants under the Clean Air Act, a policy the Bush administration rejected.
The White House acknowledged that the EPA had transmitted its proposed finding on global warming to the Office of Management and Budget, but provided no details.
It also cautioned that the Obama administration, which sees responding to climate change a top priority, nevertheless is ready to move cautiously when it comes to actually regulating greenhouse gases, preferring to have Congress act on the matter.
In other words, Obama plans to punt the issue (just like real leaders do. snark off) over to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, so they can take the blame when people’s power bills skyrocket, when everything they buy jumps in price, and when they are forced to pay for carbon offsets.
As a sidebar, MSNBC almost gets it right regarding how the Kyoto Protocol was handled by the US government, particularly Dubya.
Crossed at Right Wing News
So if CO2 is going to be a pollutant, does that mean that I can get fined for exhaling?
Don’t let the fact that water vapor is a feedback stop you from pushing more propaganda.
Oh, how I long for some sign of intelligence on your side of this debate. There is a difference between natural and man-made carbon dioxide emissions. It is the man-made emissions that are responsible for the recent drastic increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 to levels that are higher than any time in the past 650,000 years.
Way to ignore billions of years of history, Reasic. You have truly drank Al Gore’s kool aid. Which is funny because he doesn’t have one of those climate degrees you think are so great.
So the fact that the human population has increased by about 500% in the last 150 years has absolutely no impact on CO2 levels in the atmosphere, when the average human produces 800 lbs of CO2 per year? Yeah, humans are responsible for the increased CO2 levels, so just quit breathing and the planet will be just fine. p-(