Well, he did say he would sit down with Mohmoud Ahmadinejad without any pre-conditions. I supposed this is a step in that direction
The Obama administration and its European allies are preparing proposals that would shift strategy toward Iran by dropping a longstanding American insistence that Tehran rapidly shut down nuclear facilities during the early phases of negotiations over its atomic program, according to officials involved in the discussions.
Great news! Let Iran keep attempting to produce weapons grade nuclear materials (if they are) while negotiating to shut down the program. That should work out well, eh? They’ll finally agree to shut down the program in about 10-20 years, when they have a good stockpile of nuclear weapons.
So, can we say that Obama’s promise to rid the world of nuclear weapons are toast? Numbers 195, 384, and 415. Just words.
The proposals, exchanged in confidential strategy sessions with European allies, would press Tehran to open up its nuclear program gradually to wide-ranging inspection. But the proposals would also allow Iran to continue enriching uranium for some period during the talks. That would be a sharp break from the approach taken by the Bush administration, which had demanded that Iran halt its enrichment activities, at least briefly to initiate negotiations.
Can the Obama administration keep anything secret? And, yes, it is a sharp break. A sharp break towards appeasement.

Should we continue with the failed Bush policy of demanding that they stop before we begin talks on having them stop ? What would the talks be about then if they had already agreed to stop ? Restarting ? That is like asking a worker to agree to a pay cut before you begin talks on pay cuts as a precondition to starting the talks on having a pay cut.
The Iranians will have a presidential election in June. Ahmadinejad is pretty unpopular and will probably not be re-elected. Obama will be negotiating with a reform candidate
Found you through HoosierArmyMom :)
Did you see the last http://www.imao.us post on “In My World”??? Because it so totally fits in here, and it’s hilarious! Obama basically gives Ahmedine-jihad an iPod, which MA grabs greedily and says “Neato” as he punches buttons and deletes Obama’s speeches from it. Then gives Obi-wan the gift of a bag of rubber bands LMAO. I don’t want to spoil the jokes, so seriously; go there and read the last “In My World” post about Iran. Hey, if you can’t laugh, you’ll cry :)