As the headline at Fark stated, if they clone a camel, they can combine sex ed and drivers ed into one class
Iranian scientists have cloned a goat and plan future experiments they hope will lead to a treatment for stroke patients, the leader of the research said Wednesday.
The female goat, named Hana, was born early Wednesday in the city of Isfahan in central Iran, said Dr. Mohammed Hossein Nasr e Isfahani, head of the Royan Research Institute.
“With the birth of Hana, Iran is among five countries in the world cloning a baby goat,” said Isfahani, an embryologist.
Not to be cynical, but, is there any sort of independently verified proof? Or is the photo simply of any old baby goat?
If they did, and it can help stroke patients, good for them. Interestingly, though, adult stem cells are already being used to help stroke victims. That’s not really a knock at cloning, which, btw, I do not have a problem with, but, more at embryonic stem cell research, and, really, do we need cloned goats for this? Pretty soon Iran will be getting a strongly worded message from PETA.

Teach do you think that there is more or less sexual perversion in Iran or the USA ? Teach how much time have you personally spent in countries where the muslims are in the majority ?
Are you serious? Has your angry leftwingism made you unable to see a joke? And, do you hate the US that much that you would even compare us to Iran? Last time I checked, we did not execute homosexuals for being homosexual.