April 7, 2009 – 2:44 pm
There’s other more serious stuff out there, like how much AGW policy will cost, and the jury still being out on AGW (the author gets slammed in the comments for being and investment banker, instead of being a climatologist like Al Gore, James Hansen, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Ban Moon-ki, Diane Feinstein, Leonardo Dicaprio, IPCC […]
April 7, 2009 – 9:17 am
So, I was having a discussion over at Blogs For Victory regarding Obama the Divider, and was told that Bush was a disaster on the international stage, while Obama has been a success. Oh, really? Let’s check the score card for Obama Getting NATO allies to help out in Afghanistan? Fail. Both Merkel and Sarkozy […]
April 6, 2009 – 7:40 pm
Still not as amusing as the chicken wire recreation of the fire at the World Trade Center (that’s a classic!), but, maybe it is about time for the Twoofers to join us in Reality Land® A team of scientists claim to have unearthed startling data from dust and debris gathered in the days and weeks […]
April 6, 2009 – 2:31 pm
Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get worse The incidence of tonsil cancer has tripled in the city of Stockholm since the 1970s and doctors at the world-famous Karolinska Institute there think they know why. Oral sex. Or perhaps French kissing. And changes in sexual behavior that took place 20 or 30 years ago, […]
April 6, 2009 – 11:32 am
Heh. The Other McCain thanks some moonbats for the blog hits
April 6, 2009 – 11:28 am
The Jawa Report: Good News: First U.S. Based Pro-al Qaeda Magazine Released
April 6, 2009 – 11:14 am
Little Miss Attila: “Passive Drinking†versus the “Passive Pity-Lancheâ€
April 6, 2009 – 9:15 am
Ian Martin at the UK Telegraph thinks it’s time for Obama to end the perpetual overseas campaign and go home Isn’t it time for him to go home yet? It is good, in theory, that the new President of the United States is taking so much time to tour Europe. He arrived in London last […]
April 6, 2009 – 8:36 am
In other others there is a bailout watchdog group associated with the federal government Elizabeth Warren, chief watchdog of America’s $700bn (£472bn) bank bailout plan, will this week call for the removal of top executives from Citigroup, AIG and other institutions that have received government funds in a damning report that will question the administration’s […]
April 5, 2009 – 12:24 pm
Happy Sunday! A gorgeous day in America, makes me happy with all this global warming stuff. This pinup us by Greg Hildebrant, with a wee bit of help. So, what is happening in ye olde blogosphere? Say, did the NY Times scold Clinton for bowing to royalty? Why, yes they did, writes Ed Morrissey Michelle […]