Insanity on display
Take yours truly. I’m not a Democrat and if pushed, I’d have to say right now I’m a libertarian independent. I’m uneasy about Obama’s long-term debt, to say the least, but I’m intelligent enough to know it’s not Obama’s as such, but mainly Bush’s, and I’m also cognizant that the time to cut back may not be in the middle (or beginning) of a brutal depression. On most issues, I side with what used to be the center-right, but the GOP is poison to me and many others. Why?

Nice picture of Ann and Bill on that site. I have no idea who Andy might be.Oh Sullivan I see. No matter as no one pays attention to him anyway. I hope.Never read the DailyDish either and am probably not missing much.
Every once in a while, I have to pop in there to see the insanity.