GOP Listening Tour Now A Teaching Tour

So, last week, the GOP launched their national listening as Democrats Lite tour. Rush Limbaugh blasted them for who they are going to end up listening to

LIMBAUGH: That is exactly what I’m saying! Scarborough and these guys are trying to twist this. And even Pence says, “Well, we’re going to listen.” Who are they going to listen to? They’re going to listen to experts about cap and trade so they can educate the American people about the truth of it. A teaching tour!

 Think Progress tries a nice spin, but, like most on the Left, they do not get what Rush is saying. And now, on Morning Joe

SCARBOROUGH: So, let’s start with Rush Limbaugh, who seems to be mocking the idea of a listening tour. What do you say to Rush?

CANTOR: You know, Joe, really, this — this is not a listening tour. You know, think about what we saw a couple weeks ago on the TEA parties. The American people are very frustrated that they really see a government in Washington that doesn’t hear them, that doesn’t respond to their needs and, frankly, are upset at a government that doesn’t work.

What the National Council for a New America is, is an opportunity for us to go out across this country to talk about our conservative principles and to appeal to as many elements in our society as we can and to really talk to them as a higher level and say, look, there are some transcendental goals that we’re all about in this country, and they can best be achieved through conservative principles of freedom and opportunity.

First of all, you have to actually hold American Conservative, also known as Classical Liberal, values to start with, and pay them more then lip-service. Second, instead of listening to Democrats, liberals, leftists, etc, they might want to start listening to actual conservatives who practice what they preach. Once they understand what the base actually wants, then they can start teaching to go along with practicing what they preach, which is why the GOP’s and Bush’s polling numbers where so low, because Conservatives gave them low marks for spending like drunken sailors, expanding the size and scope of Los Federales, usurping the powers of the People and the States….you know the hit parade.

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One Response to “GOP Listening Tour Now A Teaching Tour”

  1. John Ryan says:

    Teach most “Americans” have a highly negative view of Rush Limbaugh. Although he may rally the base he alienates the center of the American voters and they are the ones who decide who will be POTUS If the Republican Party continues on its march to appease the ultra hard right they will continue to lose elections.

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