When you go to the auto lot starting in 2012, expect your choices to be golf cart sized vehicles
President Obama will announce tough new nationwide rules for automobile emissions and mileage standards on Tuesday, embracing standards that California has sought to enact for years over the objections of the auto industry and the Bush administration.
The rules, which will begin to take effect in 2012, will put in place a federal standard for fuel efficiency that is as tough as the California program, while imposing the first-ever limits on climate-altering gases from cars and trucks.
Let’s see. California has the highest fuel costs in the country. The plan could raise the costof a vehicle by up to $1,300. British Columbia was urged not to match the California emissions standards, because it “would drive upvehicle prices because of the cost of technology needed to make them, as well as increasing repair costs and insurance rates.” So many of the vehicles that Americans, including Al Gore Disciples, rely on, SUVs, pickups, larger vehicles, would go buh bye.
And this begs the question: will curent owners of auto’s have to make changes to them to comply with the new regulations, much as people who want to bring some vehicles to California must? Will we have to do away with black vehicles?
There is so much to this debate, such as the whole man-induced global warming idiocy, the Federal government interfering with States Rights, government dictating policy even more to auto makers, particularly those who took bailout money, and, who is going to want these micro-mobiles, anyhow? Sure, a few will. But, the rest of will be left with no choice. I thought the Left was interested in choice?
To meet the new federal standards, auto companies will have to drastically change their product lineups in a relatively short time.
The companies have declined so far to comment on the costs involved in meeting a fleet standard of 35 miles a gallon. For starters, the automakers will probably have to sharply reduce the number of low-mileage models, like pickup trucks and large sedans.
But, certainly not for all the limo’s that the top climahysterics drive in. Folks like Al Gore, the Hollyweird folks, and, hey, Barack Obama. Not to mention all the large size SUVs that drive with the presidential motorcade. “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Michelle Malkin points to more of the anticipated costs laid right at the feet of the middle and working classes, including the auto deaths directly laid at the feet of CAFE standards.
The Other McCain: They can have my gass guzzler when they pry it from my cold dead fingers!
Beltway Snark wonders how Team Obama knows what the price of gas will be in 2016. Speaking of gas prices, notice that none of the Usual Suspects are complaining about the price continuing to go up, now that O’Barry is president?
Hey: Auto Czar Made $100M In Hedge Funds And Is Building $15M Home Amid Calls For “Sacrifice”. Said palace is also encroaching on an Indian burial ground.

The more I read about this the less I like it.
The costs to ramp up production and tech by that date and change facilities around is going to be very costly for the car producers.
I expect the need for more loans by the car companies if they don’t just fold.
It’s definitely going to hit the middle America pocket book in the long run, both from the taxes to fund the loans and from the enforcement of vehicle inspections that I imagine will be required.
Another thought: with great fuel efficiency won’t people drive more? Which will offset the pollution control and probably increase road maintenance?
[…] Obama To Announce Plans To Drastically Increase Auto Costs » Pirate’s Cove […]
If the cost goes up 1300 dollars that will be what 5% of the cost of the car ??? Teach is 5% a “drastic” change ??
If the cost goes up 1300 dollars that will be what 5% of the cost of the car ??? Teach is 5% a “drastic” change ??
Obama Announces New Fuel Efficiency, Emissions Sta…
Therefore, if I get in an accident in a government mandated Obama-mobile will I be refused medical attention because I did not take proper actions to avoid being hurt so bad; such as driving a bigger car…don’t think that convoluted type of situatio….
On one hand, Hal, people will want to drive more. On the other, the micro-mobiles that will be available will feel unsafe to drive farther then the grocery store.
That’s the way it works, John. $1,300 here, some more there, and pretty soon we are talking some serious money. But, that isn’t even the full point: government is legislating more and more of our freedom away.
Here at America’s Power, we know not everyone is following what’s happening in Washington, but right now there’s a hotly debated bill in Congress called Waxman-Markey that deals with the issue of climate change.
We need a climate plan that’s affordable and effective. Americans should support a plan that:
• Achieves emissions reductions
• Creates jobs
• Preserves fuel diversity as a means of promoting greater energy independence
• Protects consumers against unnecessarily
high energy costs
We support a federal plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but the Waxman-Markey bill needs to do more to guarantee that consumers are protected from unnecessary increases in energy costs. Because without these changes the bill is not affordable – and therefore, not effective.
To find out more about America’s Power’s stance on Waxman-Markey, watch our video.
If the cost goes up 1300 dollars that will be what 5% of the cost of the car ??? Teach is 5% a “drastic†change ??
An extra $1300 might not seem like a lot to you Johnny, but to someone raising a family on a budget, (like me) it is. To have to spend an extra $1300 on a new car means that I can’t spend it someplace else, such as on a new refrigerator or washing machine(energy star rated of course), or mu kid’s braces. However, if you want to take Barry’s words to heart and spread a little of your wealth my way since you seem to just have an extra $1300 laying around, feel free to send it my way. After all that would be the fair thing to do right?
[…] Obama To Announce Plans To Drastically Increase Auto Costs Posted by root 7 minutes ago (http://www.thepiratescove.us) The companies have declined so far to comment on the costs involved in meeting a fleet we support a federal plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions pirate cove is powered by pure neocon pirate evil oh and wordpress 2 7 1 Discuss | Bury | News | Obama To Announce Plans To Drastically Increase Auto Costs […]