California Supreme Court Approves Prop 8


The California Supreme Court upheld Tuesday a ban on same-sex marriages that state voters passed in November, but it allowed about 18,000 same-sex marriages performed before the ban to remain valid.

The 6-1 ruling was met with chants of “shame on you” from a crowd of about 1,000 people who gathered outside the court building in San Francisco.

“It’s nice that my marriage is still intact, but that’s not the point,” said Kathleen White, who married her partner in 2008.

Sure it is. You folks on the left love the idea of Direct Democracy WHEN it serves your purposes. When you lose, you hate it. Suck it up, buttercup!

Opponents of the ban argued that the controversial Proposition 8, which state voters passed 52 percent to 48 percent in November, improperly altered the California Constitution to restrict a fundamental right guaranteed in the state’s charter.

But the court — which had allowed same-sex marriages in a 2008 decision — found the measure was narrow enough to pass legal muster.

Yeah. Narrow enough that it went 6-1.

IMO, this is a good ruling. It upholds what the People of California voted for, but still leaves the marriages that had occurred prior to remain in effect. No matter what one thinks of gay marriage, to take away what had been legal would be wrong.

Still too early to find reactions from the usual Unhinged Lefties, but, we’ll see some fireworks by the end of the day. Keep an eye on folks like Andrew Sullivan, Pam’s House Blend, and Shakesville, among others.


  • Taylor Marsh has a hissy fit.
  • Alan Colmes throws out the discrimination word.
  • Dennis Sanders at The Moderate Voice has mixed feelings, because he doesn’t “feel comfortable with the idea of invalidating a vote of the people even if it is bigoted and went against my wishes as a gay man.” How do you feel when certain groups are given more rights then others, Dennis?
  • From earlier today, Shakesville shows the true Lefty feelings: “Technically, this decision is about whether or not Proposition 8 on November’s ballot was constitutional.” In other words, these kinds of votes are “only good when we win.”
  • Crooks and Liars: “Indeed. The Courage Campaign has a petition for you to sign calling for the repeal of Prop 8. I think we can count on it being on the next major ballot.” So much for Direct Democracy accepting the wishes of the voters, which is what folks on the left keep telling us on the Right we should do regarding Obambi.

Over to the sane side, Michelle Malkin channels Ahnold. :D

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3 Responses to “California Supreme Court Approves Prop 8”

  1. John Ryan says:

    Conservatives are always trying to hold back the tide of progress of civil rights their “victories” are short lived

  2. John Ryan says:

    Of course the small government folks believe that the government should decide who can and who cannot get married.

  3. Really? If memory serves, it was Democrats who were dead set against giving Blacks any rights.

    Marriage is not a right. Futhermore, well over 50% of the population is against gay marriage. That means that some on the left must be “trying to hold back the tide of progress of civil rights.”

    As far as the government goes, no. The people should decide, like with Prop 8. I am dead set against, and have written it many times, the government and the GOP getting involved in the gay marriage debate.

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