Cue the 9/10 mentality: FBI planning a bigger role in terrorism fight
The FBI and Justice Department plan to significantly expand their role in global counter-terrorism operations, part of a U.S. policy shift that will replace a CIA-dominated system of clandestine detentions and interrogations with one built around transparent investigations and prosecutions.
Under the “global justice” initiative, which has been in the works for several months, FBI agents will have a central role in overseas counter-terrorism cases. They will expand their questioning of suspects and evidence-gathering to try to ensure that criminal prosecutions are an option, officials familiar with the effort said.
Though the initiative is a work in progress, some senior counter-terrorism officials and administration policy-makers envision it as key to the national security strategy President Obama laid out last week — one that presumes most accused terrorists have the right to contest the charges against them in a “legitimate” setting.
Doesn’t that sound wonderful? The Islamic jihadis want to kill as many non-believers as possible, Obama wants to give them all American rights and put them in jail.
Now, there is nothing wrong with good law enforcement and investigation, we should use all means at our disposal to stop Islamic terrorists. But when it becomes the primary component in the Global War On Terrorism, er, Operation Overseas Contingency, we have a problem. “Hello, Mr. Islamic Terrorist. I’m Bob with the FBI, and I’ll be your arresting officer today. Are the cuffs too tight? Would you like to talk to us? No? You want a lawyer? Say no more. Do you need medical care, because you seem to be a little radioactive? No? OK, I’m sorry, sir, we’ll get you a lawyer. Perhaps a cup of tea and some biscuits while you wait?”
The “global justice” initiative starts out with the premise that virtually all suspects will end up in a U.S. or foreign court of law.
I wonder how soon “The Wall between intelligence and law enforcement” will be rebuilt. Any attack on the US, her people, and her property can now be laid directly at Obama’s feet.
The final paragraph of the story says the CIA will work hand in hand with the FBI and their role will not be reduced. Anyone who believes that, raise your hand.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

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