Monthly Archives: June 2009

Aside: Church To Hold Open Carry Gun Service

Alan Colmes: Church To Hold Open Carry Gun Service

Aside: Cassy Fiano On Chivalry

Cassy Fiano: Feminists confirm it: chivalry is indeed sexist

At What Point Do We Jail Or Execute Global Warming Deniers?

No, seriously. That was the headline at Talking Points Memothe other day, before someone went “woops, maybe we should hide our real views” and deleted the post, which I hadn’t gotten around to posting, but had sitting around under my bookmarks as a potential. Fortunately, Climate Depot has a copy of what The Insolent Braggart […]

The Windowless World Of An Abortionist

I’ve been thinking long and hard this morning on whether or not I would blog the following story, as it is one that can seriously inflame passions on the abortion subject.  In the end, I felt that it was worth it. Broken windows into abortion doctor’s life  At the Boulder Abortion Clinic, Dr. Warren Hern […]

Guy Who Never Heard Of Internet Spends $19K On Nude Photo Of Carla Bruni

Dude, seriously? A revealing photograph of former model and France’s current first lady Carla Bruni was bought for $19,600 by an anonymous bidder Thursday at a Berlin auction house. The image is one of 10 prints of a nude Bruni lounging in an unmade bed captured by American fashion photographer Pamela Hanson in 1994. Um, […]

Hmm, This Sounds Kinda Familiar

Don’t you think it sounds rather familiar? I wouldn’t kill an abortionist myself, but I wouldn’t want to impose my moral values on others. No one is for shooting abortionists. But how will criminalizing men making difficult, often tragic, decisions be an effective means of achieving the goal of reducing the shootings of abortionists? Following […]

Bush To Obama On Reading: Who’s Your Daddy!

Looks like when it comes to reading books, Bush is the Master, and Obama is the Padawan. Bush=Captain, Obama=deckhand It appears President Obama has to step up his reading pace if he wants to beat his predecessor in one particular measure: how many books a president can polish off a year. In an interview with […]

Thanks For The Weak Statement On William Long, Sparky

Remember the statement President Apology Tour gave within hours after uber abortion doctor George Tiller was murdered (and yes, murdered, and Roeder should be tried on capital murder charges)? I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over […]

Raleigh Tea Party June 3 2009

Was able to head down to the TEA Party/Take Back Our State, sponsored by Americans For Prosperity NC, today for about an hour, had to head out for a date. Not bad attendence for a Wednesday in Raleigh in 90 degree weather with t-storms threatening. Looked to be about 1,200-1,500 people there or so, maybe more, […]

Be A Player, Bonnie, Not A Hater

Bonnie “Obama and the Democrats Owe Hillary Clinton and Her Supporters a Formal Apology for the Campaign’s Sexism” Erbe chimes in on the Playboy Top 10 Conservative Women issue, and, completely loses her way Yesterday, I was contacted by the executive director of, a conservative women’s website, to stand up for conservative women treated […]

Pirate's Cove