Monthly Archives: June 2009

Is Monsieur Kerry About To Join The Obama Admin?

In a story that might only amuse me – but, that is relatively easy, especially at 8am – it seems that Senator Waffles has a wee bit of a problem that puts him on the short list for people who are qualified to work in the Obama administration. The Washington Times has the exclusive, which […]

Bio-Terrorism: A Good Reason To Control The Southern Border

Without preamble U.S. counterterrorism officialshave authenticated a video by an al Qaeda recruiter threatening to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States via tunnels under the Mexico border, the latest sign of the terrorist group’s determination to stage another mass-casualty attack on the U.S. homeland. The video aired earlier this year as a recruitment […]

What Better Gift Is There At 15 Then A Vibrator?

A few weeks late to fit into RS McCain’s Offend a Feminist Week (also here,) but, as Cassy Fiano says “Eeeeeewwwwwww!” (it’s long, so, underneath the inline more tag) Darling Daughter, You have ripened before my eyes, and I marvel at the incandescent changes. Your hormones are in overdrive, and I swear that I can […]

Right Wing News Does The 10 Hottest Liberal Women In Politics

And does it very well After the debacle that was Playboy’s Hit Piece On Conservative Women, I thought, “Someone should do this right.” I mean, can’t we simply admire the female form without being jerks about it…ehr, much? So, I thought about doing a list of the hottest conservative women bloggers in politics — but, […]

What Say To Iranian Bigwigs At July 4th Parties?

Unbelieveable, if true. Well, not really unbelieveable, it is Barack Obama sitting in the White House, after all In a new overture to Iran, the Obama administration has authorized U.S. embassies around the world to invite Iranian officials to Independence Day parties they host on or around July 4th. A State Department cable sent to […]

Cheney More Progressive Then Obama On Gay Marriage?

So says the Huffington Post Dick Cheney rarely takes a position that places him at a more progressive tilt than President Obama. But on Monday, the former vice president did just that, saying that he supports gay marriage as long as it is deemed legal by state and not federal government. Don’t forget, Liberals/progressives, the […]

Playboy, That Magazine Of Free Expression, Goes Major Hater

I wonder if Janet Napolitano and her unbiased *cough cough* DHS will issue a report on this left wing hatred? (via Hot Air) The Top 10 Conservative Women We’d Like To Filibuster (reminder: Playboy is not safe for work!) Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship—a cuckoo land where party affiliation and factional animosity were […]

Aside: Cost Of Obama’s NYC Date

Gateway Pundit: Obama Blows $70,000 of Taxpayer Money On Broadway Date

Gitmo Detainees To Get Satellite TV And Sudoku

Wow. Gauntanamo Bay detention facility is really turning into a fantastic prison. They get fantastic food to the point where they were gaining weight, movies, books, and incredible health care, so much so that James Inhofe (R-Ok) said “It just blows your mind when you stop and think about the way that they are, are […]

Sotomayor’s New Haven Firefighters Decision Expected To Be Overturned

While the MSM have generally remained in the “aw, isn’t she adorable?” and “the GOP is being mean to her” modes, it appears as if Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s record of overturned rulings by the same court she aspires to may grow from the previous 60%. Sotomayor’s decision on firefighters may be overruled by […]

Pirate's Cove