Monthly Archives: June 2009

Climate Change Causes Glacier To Advance, Or Something

Just remember, climate change can mean hot, cold, wet, dry. Basically, anything they want in order to support the Religion Of AGW, of which Al Gore is the high priest Argentina’s Perito Moreno glacier is one of only a few ice fields worldwide that have withstood rising global temperatures. Nourished by Andean snowmelt, the glacier […]

ObamaCare Today: Medical Malpractice, Taxing Benefits, Socialism

What’s happening on the road to nationalized health care? The American Medical Association has long battled Democrats who oppose protecting doctors from malpractice lawsuits. But during a private meeting at the White House last month, association officials said, they found one Democrat willing to entertain the idea: President Obama. In closed-door talks, Mr. Obama has […]

Iran Protest Cancelled And Leaked Election Results – Now In Malaysia

Don’t forget, wear green today in support of the protesters in Iran Supporters had been due to turn out en masse in Tehran on Monday afternoon, despite government warnings to stay off the streets. But this morning, a statement on Mr Mousavi’s campaign website announced that the demonstration had been postponed – although it said […]

VP Gaffetastic: “Everyone Guessed Wrong On Stimulus Jobs Numbers”

Everyone, Joe? Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday that “everyone guessed wrong” on the impact of the economic stimulus, but he defended the administration’s spending designed to combat rising joblessness. Everyone? I suppose in a world where we ignore those who opposed the Generational Theft Act. Biden said inaccuracies in unemployment predictions shouldn’t undercut the […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup-Flag Day Edition

Happy Sunday and Happy Flag Day! It is, unfortunately, not an official U.S. holiday, but, President did issue a proclamation establishing June 14 as Flag Day, in honor of the day that the Second Continental Congress officially adopting the falg in 1777. This pinup is by Greg Hildebrandt, and, yes, he did fully painted it, no […]

ObamaCare: Who Cares About The Poor And Elderly

When ideology trumps compassion President Barack Obama outlined another $313 billion in cuts to government health care spending over 10 years, largely impacting hospitals, as he hunts additional dollars to pay for expanded coverage for the uninsured. Some major health industry groups swiftly criticized the proposal in one of the clearest signs yet that the […]

Nice Having One’s Picture On Fox’s The Strategy Room

Hey, what’s with Martha MacCallum(?) Jill Dobson not knowing who I am? (about 30 seconds in) Find more videos like this on The Activity Pit Gotta thank Dr. Melissa Clouthier for creating the post and including me, first time I’ve ever been on “national” TV. BTW, make sure to read her “Five “I’s” To Twitter […]

Violence In Iran After Election Sham, And Grey Lady Gets HopeyChangeyIdioty

First of all It is impossible to know for sure how much the ostensible re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad represents the preference of an essentially conservative Iranian public and how much, as opposition voters passionately believe, it is the imposed verdict of a fundamentally authoritarian regime. Witnesses reported that at least one person had been shot […]

Privacy May Be a Victim in Cyberdefense Plan

I wonder how the Left will blame this on Bush A plan to create a new Pentagon cybercommand is raising significant privacy and diplomatic concerns, as the Obama administration moves ahead on efforts to protect the nation from cyberattack and to prepare for possible offensive operations against adversaries’ computer networks. President Obama has said that […]

The Insanity Of The Left: Neocons Want Ahmadinejad To Win?

As usual, the Reality Based Community shows that the kool aid they drink is laced with PCP, creating an alternated reality that never ends American neoconservatives have often used the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to bolster their case for aggressive action against Iran. So the assumption might be that they would be rooting for Iranians […]

Pirate's Cove