5 years, mateys! And everyone is invited over for cake, rum, and saucy wenches (saucy seadogs for the lovely ladies are available, as well!) Now, off to play some late birthday golf with some work chums

5 years, mateys! And everyone is invited over for cake, rum, and saucy wenches (saucy seadogs for the lovely ladies are available, as well!) Now, off to play some late birthday golf with some work chums
Congratulations Teach! That’s quite impressive! I hope you have a great day on the course, and some rums at the nineteenth hole!
happy happy blogoversary!
thanks for always having such good stuff posted and for the linky luv. have a fun day all day teach! :D
Happy Blogoversary! :)
Happy Birthday :)
Hard to believe it’s been 5 years, isn’t it?
Hey, Happy Blogoversary to you! Good luck on the golf course, matey.
heck of a cake there matey, Happy 5th!!!
[…] of my favorite blogs, pirate’s cove, is celebrating it’s 5th blogoversary! please go by and wish william teach a happy rum-running, obambi-blogging day, […]
Cheers to one of my favorite bloggers of all times! Here is to 7 more!
Thank you so much, everyone! I truly appreciate it!
Congratulations. You have a nice blog.
Happy Anniversary, Teach! Congratulations on 5 great years!!!
~ Janette ~
Aw, my little kissykissyheart didn’t work. Well, you get the idea!
~ Janette ~
Thanks, Mandy and Wicked!
Yeah, those emoticons can be a little touchy.
Aggh, By the Powers! I be late for this great grand celebration, if it be o’er so soon. But I be aplundering and as ye know, work before pleasure. Ah, a celebration for the grand great Gentlemen o’ fortune who sails the dangerous treat’trus seas of these intertubes with the skill of a true master seaman!
I hope ye got plenty of grog and doubloons from the lily-li’ered landlubbers, me hearty, or shiver me timbers they be Sons of a Biscuit Eaters all.
Ye fav’rite friend and acquaintance till a better one comes along or I runs out’a pirate talk, whichever comes first.
Thank you much, Beth! Kisses back!