BTW, someone dropped me an email wondering if the picture was meant to be a dead puppy. No. The puppy was actually rescued by some troops in Iraq, and the cute little tyke is simply sleeping. Originally from the UK Times.

BTW, someone dropped me an email wondering if the picture was meant to be a dead puppy. No. The puppy was actually rescued by some troops in Iraq, and the cute little tyke is simply sleeping. Originally from the UK Times.
looks like that Stryker took a hard hit
As far as the Battleship firing maybe you should read about the BB New Jersey. They were the last BB to shoot their 16 rifles and the navy found out that their shells missed the target by 10,000 yards or 6 miles. The people who were killed just became collateral damage
Oh, I know, John. Grew up in NJ, so, found out a lot about the Iowa class Battleships, which included the NJ. Last used during Desert Storm, I believe. Regardless, you do not want to be on the recieving end. However, I’d love to see a link for that data.