He’s known as Commodore Amon to fellow pirates in the Colorado Rogues, but landlubbers call him Joshua Thomas. He’s the one who steered the Rogues from a loose- knit group of pirate fanatics into an altruistic organization that holds fundraisers for juvenile diabetes projects, cancer research and other causes. Last year, the Rogues raised $5,000 for a leukemia and lymphoma program. — Claire Martin, The Denver Post
Q: Were you always called Colorado Rogues?
A: It started out, years ago, as the Edward Teach Society — Edward Teach, as in Blackbeard. It was just a group of people who enjoyed pirates and the history of pirates and the democratic code that pirates stood for. For me, it was like a moth to the flame.
See? Pirates are good peoples. (Cough Teach cough)
Then there is this
Security guards reduced a nine-year-old boy to tears after banning him from sailing his toy boat on a pond because it ‘frightens the fish’.
Noah Bailey was distraught after staff at Chiswick Business Park, in west London, stopped him playing with his model of the German battleship Bismarck.
His grandfather Paul Fabricius, 57, said that when they went to complain about the draconian rule the guard refused to tell him the name of the manager for ‘security reasons’.
This is, sadly, not a story from The Onion.
And we have a leading contender for the Darwin Award
A hippopotamus killed a member of Democratic Republic of Congo government forces at Virunga National Park while he was fishing illegally, a local environmental NGO said Saturday.
The hippos apparently ate him, to add insult to, um, death. Everything you need to know about how dangerous hippos are is here.