Monthly Archives: September 2009

Wednesday Random Cuteness (19 Photos)

Democrat Truthers And Teaching 9/11 The Liberal Way

The New Republic admits what we already knew: Democrats are Truthers (via Jonah Goldberg) Jones was wrong, actually, in disavowing his support for 9/11 conspiracy theory. He signed the document, which can only mean that he supports the idea that 9/11 was planned, or that the Bushies knew something more than they have said, or […]

Paul Krugman Vs Sarah Palin On Health Care

Oh, my, with Congress back in session doing things to restrict and mess up our lives (unless you are basically a ward of Los Federales. Then you get free big screen TVs), it is getting hot and heavy in the opinion pages. Let’s start with Krugman But what is one to make of the practical, […]

Climate Change Blasted At West Virginia Rally

Heh heh Massey Energy chief executive Don Blankenship blasted supporters of climate-change legislation and other environmental issues affecting the coal industry at a corporate-sponsored Labor Day concert and rally in southern West Virginia. “Our government, environmental extremists, American corporations, and politicians on the right and the left are all endangering American labor,” he said. “Let’s […]

Tuesday Back To Work (20 Photos)

Say, About Those Shovel Ready Projects….

Where are they? Haven’t seen many so far, and, they do not seem to be available in the near future A forward-looking measure of hiring intentions dipped slightly in the United States even as it improved in many other countries, according to a quarterly survey by Manpower Inc. The global employment services company said its […]

The Next Stupid Health Reform Idea: Fees On Insurance Companies

Once again, Democrats are proving that they do not understand the free market nor the law of consequences A leading U.S. senatorseeking to forge agreement on healthcare reform will put forward a plan that includes sweeping insurance market changes and a fee on companies that will help pay to cover the uninsured, a source familiar […]

Van Jones Did Not Fill Out Questionaire

Hmm, so, not only did the White House not bother to do things normally and submit Van Jones to Congress for approval, we now are getting official confirmation that their vetting of Van Jones was beyond dismal Van Jones, the Obama green jobs czar who resigned shortly after midnight Sunday, did not fill out the […]

Monday Random Weather (20 Photos)

President Obama’s Pep Talk To School Kids Is Now Online

The White House has the transcript of what President Obama will say to school kids on Tuesday the 8th. Can’t really call it a speech, more of a pep talk, and, “here’s how you can take charge of your education.” Now, despite it including quite a bit of Obama’s typical “I’s,” it is a rather […]

Pirate's Cove