Monthly Archives: September 2009

AGW Today: That Coming Ice Age

Aren’t you glad we have the NY Times to tell us things like this? Global Warming Could Forestall Ice Age The human-driven buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere appears to have ended a slide, many millenniums in the making, toward cooler summer temperatures in the Arctic, the authors of a new study report. […]

Surprise! Obama Admin Knew In Advance About Release Of Lockerbie Bomber

Do you know what happens when an American administration starts off by offending the Queen, the British P.M., the British press, and the British people as a whole? Then decides it is going to get all snappy over an issue? Yeah, they’ll get a nasty response from the British leaders (H/t Atlas Shrugs) Downing Street […]

And You Thought Your Job Sucked (20 Photos)

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s Labor Day weekend, so, I hope everyone is working as hard as the lady above. The pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in ye olde blogosphere? The Fine 15 Queen Nancy is scared to tackle the Charley Rangle issue. Shocker! Wizbang has the story […]

Van Jones Resigns After Apparently Having Done Nothing Wrong

Personally, I had thought he would not resign as long as the left leaning media ignored the story about his 9/11 Trutherism, his racism, his communism, his Marxism, his America hatred, etc and so on (I left a comment at Nice Deb to that affect). Fortunately, I was wrong White House environmental adviser Van Jones […]

That Labor Day Weekend Sun Is Hotter Than You Think (20 Photos)

Van Jones Could Be Put In Charge Of Cap And Tax

Boy howdy, I hate to do three straight Van Jones posts, but, while searching through my climate change sources, this story reached out and grabbed me. On Greta Susteren’s show the other night, with Martha McCallum sitting in, Dick Morris had this to say MACCALLUM: And if so, do you expect [Obama] to step up and […]

Green Jobs Czar Van Jones Also A Mumia Supporter

My my my, you just have to love the people Barack Obama picks to be in his administration, not to mention has palled around with. Unrepentant domestic terrorists. Virulent Black supremacists. Tax cheats. And then there is Van Jones, a communist, Twoofer, and……. More than 150 demonstrators marched from 14th Street and Broadway to the […]

Senator Kit Bond Calls For Hearings On Truther Van Jones

Things just keep getting worse and worse for Twoofer Van Jones U.S. Senator Kit Bond, ranking member of the Green Jobs and the New Economy Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, today called for a Congressional oversight hearing probing the fitness of a senior White House official. In a letter to […]

Friday Random Awesome (20 Photos)

Pirate's Cove