Monthly Archives: September 2009

Two Huge Stem Cell Trials Are In The Works. Guess Which Type

This is some pretty good news Osiris Therapeutics Inc, which is developing a drug to treat a rare condition that affects bone marrow transplant patients, is poised to unveil results from a late-stage trial that could pave the way for the first approved drug in that indication and instill investor confidence in the company. GvHD […]

Cass Sunstein, Obama’s Dr. Frankenstein

Is there any limit to the nutballs in the Obama administration? We have many tax cheats. We have a Truther. We have race baiters and people who push euthenasia. Plain racists. Climahysterics. Militant envirowackos. And all sorts of other wackos. Now we get Cass Sunstein, President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Office of Information […]

The Left Creates Fake Glenn Beck Rape Document. You Stay Classy, Libs!

Unsurprisingly, this shocks me not in the least. Offends me, yes. Disgusts me, yes. Shocks me? Not so much. I have pretty much become used to this type of insanity from the Lefties (h/t John Hawkins) The attack on Glenn Beck continues by the internet crowd calling for a boycott of Beck’s advertisers. Can we […]

U.S Cuts Off Non-Humanitarian Aid To Honduras Officially

The only thing shocking about this is that Hillary Clinton didn’t go and call what happened the other month a coup. Had she done that, all aid would have had to be cut, per US law (not that lawmakers, particularly those in Obama’s admin, follow the law) The Obama administration on Thursday cut all non-humanitarian […]

Your Day Is Really Not That Bad (18 Photos)

UN’s Ban Ki-moon Goes Chicken Little Yet Again

Apparently, Ban Ki-moon isn’t reading what his own IPCC scientists have been writing as of late. In his world EVERYBODY PANIC! U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on Thursday for swifter work on a new climate treaty to fend off what he said could be economic disaster with a surge in sea levels of up to […]

Steny Hoyer: “There’s No Way I Can Vote For This Craptacular Health Bill”

Of course, he didn’t actually say that, but, that is the meaning A participant at the town hall meeting that was held in Waldorf, Md., asked Hoyer if he believed the health care bill would cause a “tax increase or an increase to the deficit?” “Neither,” Hoyer replied. “The fact of the matter is, though,” he added, a […]

Execution Of Policy Tanking? Give A Speech, Sparky!

So, after outsourcing the health care insurance something or other out to Congress, and seeing it tank badly because people realize that this is neither the policy nor change they really wanted, El Presidente Sparky goes back to the only thing he truly knows how to do, give a speech! President Barack Obama is considering […]

Sharks Are Cool. I Want One

AGW Today: Wildfires And Blackouts And Wartime, Oh My!

You could also substitute “moonbat” for wildfires, if you want It was bound to happen. That is, someone was due to blame the catastrophic wildfires in California on global warming. Rep. Linda Sanchez, the Democratic congresswoman from California’s 39th Congressional District, appeared on MSNBC’s Sept. 1 “Andrea Mitchell Reports” and did just that. She told […]

Pirate's Cove