September 22, 2009 – 9:30 am
Let me say, right off the bat, that I have so far supported Obama’s actions in Afghanistan, for the most part. But, does he really know what he is doing? Is he making it more political than it should be? What is the end game? And more questions, since, his policy is not quite matching […]
September 21, 2009 – 7:33 pm
Now, this is just wrong. Michelle Malkin is making fun of all the grassroots organizations, like SEIU, (never), AFL-CIO, of being fakers and poseurs, not being real. I mean, come one, check this out. Liberal groups, supporters of the Obama health system plan that doesn’t yet exist except in talking points form (but, hey, don’t let that […]
September 21, 2009 – 1:15 pm
September 21, 2009 – 10:11 am
Geoffrey Lean at the Telegraph is just asking for a beat down from the rest of the True Believers (who still refuse to walk the talk) Here’s a heretical thought, one that might even further inflame the great global-warming slanging match. Has the world set out to tackle climate change in the wrong way? It’s […]
September 21, 2009 – 9:42 am
Of course, this Washington Times story is less than shocking, but, hey, all you Democrat supporters might want to take notice of the rank partisanship After a two-week binge to meet President Obama’s 200-day goal, stimulus spending has plummeted once again – and the roller-coaster pace of spending has critics worried about how the money […]
September 20, 2009 – 3:24 pm
And it is trying to be helpful Seriously, I’m trying to look for other Progressive nut-baggery, there are certainly others out there besides Chucky, but, the humor writes itself, and I about died laughing when I saw this at ChristmasGhost. More: After reading this post at Little Green Footballs 2.0 (via RS McCain)Â ye olde cool […]
September 20, 2009 – 2:02 pm
September 20, 2009 – 10:45 am
This is what happens when you have a predominantly complaint liberal media matched with and administration that has no executive experience H/t Hot Air and Ace of Spades Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU
September 20, 2009 – 10:35 am
Happy Sunday! A beautiful day in America. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the geese are loud enough to wake me up after sleeping WAY later than I usually do. This pinup is by, shocker, Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in ye olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 […]
September 19, 2009 – 10:43 pm
Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but, I do believe I had checked Pajamas Media’s About Us page back on Thursday after Mad King Charles had banned any mention of Pajamas Media on his site, and he was still listed right under Roger L. Simon as co-founder of PJM, as you can see […]