Recent Comments
- fp on If All You See…: “After running and crying to western media about his disastrous meeting, of course.” Mar 2, 22:03
- fp on If All You See…: “ED: “Zelensky flew back to Ukraine to fight Russians.” Wishful thinking. After completely bollixing up his meeting with the President…” Mar 2, 21:55
- fp on If All You See…: “ED, your conspiracy theories are most amusing. Crackpot, but amusing.” Mar 2, 21:46
- Jl on If All You See…: “Saw a poll that was taken-“Who performed better in the Oval Office” Volodymyr Zelensky 14% Monica Lewinsky 86%” Mar 2, 20:19
- Jl on Climate (scam) Groups Worried About Bankruptcy After Trump Admin Cuts Cash Flow: ““Leave the people stealing our money alone!” Mar 2, 18:31
Monthly Archives: October 2009
The Goracle Consults His Crystal Ball, Sees 220 Foot Sea Rise In 5-10 Years
October 31, 2009 – 10:00 am
At this point, I am starting to believe Gore would have been better than Bush in fighting the War on Terrorism. Why? The dude is so stone cold wackadoodle that he probably would have just dropped some nukes on Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, and Iran, among others. Besides, the nukes would certainly have mitigated the […]
Halloween Candy Can Spread The Swine Flu. Everbody PANIC!
October 29, 2009 – 4:46 pm
Sigh Trick-or-treaters should probably keep their hands out of the candy bowl this weekend because of the ongoing swine flu pandemic. It’s just one way that experts suggest will keep children from getting swine flu on Halloween. Health officials hope parents will distribute candy instead of allowing children to grab their treats out of candy […]
Aw. There May Be No Copenhagen Global Warming Deal
October 29, 2009 – 10:00 am
Man, what a shame Denmark’s prime minister says he does not think a legally binding deal on climate change will be agreed upon at a December summit in Copenhagen. Lars Loekke Rasmussen spoke ahead of an EU summit at which climate change will be one of the main topics. “We do not think it will […]