Considering the way Democrats are running the country, this really shouldn’t be that surprising
For nearly two years, economic issues have held the top spot in terms of importance among voters.
But the latest national telephone survey shows that 83% now view government ethics and corruption as very important, placing it just ahead of the economy on a list of 10 key electoral issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. Eighty-two percent (82%) of voters see the economy as very important.
And which Party has controlled Congress for over two years, and the White House since January? It’s no wonder that Conservative books like Michelle Malkin’s, Glenn Beck’s, and Mark Levin’sdo very well. All top 30 on Amazon. And, oh, look, pre-orders for Sarah Palin’s bookputs it at number 1, and it won’t even be released till November 17th.
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama all promised an end to corruption, a new way of running Washington, and end to hyper-partisanship, along with lollipops, fairy dust, and a unicorn in every garage (they’re better on the grill. Very tender, like Grouper.) And what did we get? The Generation Theft Act, the Cap and Tax idiocy, their lies about health care, etc and so on. You know the hit parade. Charley Rangel is still sitting as Chair of the House Ways and Means committee. And so on. When they were talking about the Culture of Corruption, that was a self fulfilling prophesy.
- But just 41% of voters nationwide now favor the health care reform plan proposed by Obama and congressional Democrats, the lowest level of support measured so far.
- The majority of voters (51%) say the president is not being aggressive enough in dealing with Iran’s controversial nuclear program.
Elsewhere, 83% of the People are telling Congress to show us the damned bill!

Please call your Reps, Senators, and Harry Reid and tell them you know what they are doing and we will NOT take it.
Time is of the essence.
They want this RAMMED through by next Thursday!
Let’s continue to have the uninsured clog up our Emergency Rooms !! Or just die in the streets ?
[…] different. Alas, we shall never know, since a measly 6% has been spent. Perhaps that is why people are more concerned with government ethics and corruption a tiny bit more than the […]