I’ve mentioned before that the CIA has opened a Center On Climate Change and National Security. Surprisingly, some people have a problem with this
There’s been a lot said lately about the national-security implications of climate change, in the form of water shortages, mass migration, and unstable governments.
But in the view of at least one U.S. senator—Republican John Barrasso of Wyoming–those potential impacts don’t justify a “climate change center†like the one that the Central Intelligence Agency recently launched.
Mr. Barrasso–an outspoken opponent of the Obama administration’s efforts to regulate greenhouse gases–is trying to amend a huge defense-related spending bill to prohibit the CIA from using any money to fund its Center on Climate Change and National Security, which the agency launched on Sept. 25. Mr. Barrasso says the center risks stretching the CIA too thin and that existing federal agencies charged with monitoring climactic changes can supply the CIA with whatever information it needs.
“Will someone sitting in a dark room watching satellite video of northern Afghanistan now be sitting in a dark room watching polar ice caps?,†Mr. Barrasso said Tuesday in a statement. He added that the agency should be combating terrorists, not spying on sea lions.â€
Is the center a good idea? Possibly. Weather, and its ultimate creation, climate, can certainly affect the stability of areas around the globe. But, anyone think that the center will focus on how the majority of warming/cooling is caused by natural processes? Or, do we think this will become yet another government climate alarmist chicken little group?
But, hey, you never know. Perhaps they could tell us about the Antarctic ice melt being the lowest recorded in the satellite era. Or about how to waste $10 trillion (yes, TRILLION) over the next 20 years on AGW. Maybe they could leak a report about the hockey stick being quietly pulled from the latest UN climate report.
They could also leak to their favorite NY Times reporter about the Arctic ice being thicker this past summer. And, I bet they wouldn’t make a mistake in confusing the Arctic and Antarcticlike the U.N. Nor saying that a deeper recession to reduce man-made climate emissions would be great, like Senator “Waffles” Kerry did. Maybe the CIA folks could use the center to mock Gore and carbon trading, as left wing groups are starting to do.
Na. It’ll probably be used to make sure you aren’t barbecuing in your own backyard.

Or perhaps they could focus on learning why the ice in the arctic is melting so fast. Actually since 90% of the planets population lives in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE they should probably be looking more in that direction than in the south. Also Teach while true that ice is increasing there you fail to mention the temps there. Are they increasing I think that they are. Please remember that I have already explained in the past to you how warming conditions in Antarctica cause an increse in participation. It is because extremely cold temps -40F can hold virtually no moisture. Perhaps you remember from NJ that it is much more likey to snow around 32F than it is around 0F. And although you often speak of the “other natural processes” that are causing the increase in global temps, you never mention them. We do know that both the sun and volcanice acivity can effect temps, but we also know taht they are at low activity. Teach what do you think is causing the temps to rise ?
Oh and Teach that article in the NYT ? 2nd year ice is greater tahn at the historically low levels of recent years but you fail to mention that the same article says that the 2nd year ice is MUCH LESS than it was at any earlier times. So if this is being pointed out as evidence of the threat of a new ice age than it is pretty lame
Uh oh. Red meat for the Little Green Footballs krew. BURN THEM BEFORE THEY CORRUPT TEH CHILDRENZ!!!
Gah! It seems to me that the CIA has more important things to tend to.
I tell ya, the news just gets more and more surreal by the day!