Happy Sunday! The Dodgers won, the Devils won, the Giants should woop up on Da Raiders. All is right in the world. This pinup us by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- The Taliban and Al Qaeda are helped by AGW, says ABC UslessNews. Gateway Pundit has the details
- Say, I wonder how much $$$ tort reform would save? The Sundries Shack has the answer
- Gaius points out that Obama is still running against Bush, someone who didn’t even run in 2009
- A newspaper wouldn’t edit a readers letter to prop up AGW, would they? Head to Gore Lied for the answer
- The Jawa Report points to yet another publisher which fears for its safety
- What’s the shape of socialized medicine in Britain? This highly disturbing story is brought to you by Moonbattery
- Who is behind Obama’s disgusting Honduras policy? Nice Deb serves up the 411
- Wait, Obama won the Miss America pageant, too? Darleen at protein wisdom has the picture
- Over at Sister Toldjah’s spot, Anthony catches Iran whining
- Jonn Lilyea is calling Bullsh*t on a Washington Post story about military sexual antics
- Wizbang has the 2010 Nobel Prize recipient
- Patterico is not liking the latest direction in the Polanski saga
- Yes, you can be the proud owner of an Obama flag. Don Surber has the pictures
- Cassy Fiano has one of the most heart string tugging you have seen in quite some time
- And last, but not least, Lil’ Obama talks to Hillary about his Nobel. Christmas Ghost was there to document
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain, Linktastical Saturday at The Daley Gator, Saturday Linkaround at The Blog Prof, Under the Weather Linkfest and 2A Heller Babes at Nation Of Cowards, and Beyonce. Supervirtuous at The Classic Liberal. Anyone else have a link or hotty fest going on? Let me know so I can feature you.

[…] Carano poses for the cover of ESPN Magazine Sunday Pinup! Anna […]
[…] the ones that taste like popcorn or coffee). Today, though, I was inspired by William Teach, who posts the best pinups. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy a good, old-school […]
Thanks for reminding us of the virtues of nylons, Admiral.
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