The “green” dominoes keep falling
AUSTRALIANS are becoming less concerned about the threat of global warming, pushing environmental issues down the list of threats.
Climate change is no longer rated the top foreign policy issue for the Federal Government, a Lowy Institute poll will reveal today.
It was top of the list in 2007 but now is ranked seventh out of 10 policy priorities. Out of 12 possible threats, Australians rated global warming the fourth most critical, the survey found.
However a significant majority of Australians, 76 per cent, still saw climate change as a problem.
What is seriously turning Aussies off is the cap and trade fraud, and a destruction of their economy. Heck, I’m concerned with climate change. Natural climate change. I’m wondering if we will have an unusually harsh winter.
The Greens produced amendments – almost certain to be rejected by the Government – which called for harsher treatment of fossil fuel users, and Family First’s Steve Fielding accused the Greens of wanting to send Australia back to the Stone Age.
“If we did what the Greens propose, Australia would no longer exist because there’d be no industries left to drive our economy,” he said.
Of course, the Greens do not care. Double of course, we can expect the legislation to be about harming others, not themselves.