Is this the kind of thing that Obama appointee Dalia Mogahed thinks is A-OK?
A 15-year-old schoolgirl allegedly murdered for falling in love told her boyfriend that she had been ‘tortured’ by her father, a court heard today.
Tulay Goren went missing in January 1999 and her body has never been found, jurors have been told.
She is alleged to have been killed by her father Mehmet Goren, after he consulted with his brothers, over her relationship with Halil Unal.
A week later Goren, 49, plunged an axe into Mr Unal’s neck in a desperate bid to restore his family’s honour, the court heard.
But, as Pam Gellar points out, nothing like this could possibly happen to Rifqa Bary, whose fait will be decided Tuesday. Interestingly, Liberals are always telling us to “think of the children” and telling us how precious they are, but, in the face of political correctness and dhimmitude, they will retreat from all those principles. Just like with gays, minorities, women, name the group, and that group will have met a big pinko bus at some point. Again. And again. And again.

Teach in the USA we typically have about 15-18000 murders each year. Less than 5 each year are committed as muslim “honor” killings. Certainly the majority are committed by christians killing other christians for a variety of reasons with many many the result of domestic violence.