Only this time, after FAIL tags for the previous predictions by different groups of the Arctic being completely ice free with a year or a few years during the summer, now…
New data released Thursday suggests that the Arctic Ocean will be “largely ice free” during summer within a decade.
Run for the hills, the sky is falling! Oh, wait, more and more media sources and scientists are noticing, and, more importantly, speaking out on the whole “no warming in 10 years” thingy
The report, complied by the UK-based Catlin Arctic Survey and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is the latest research into ice thickness in the Arctic.
No, no, nothing biased in a report by those groups.
Researchers predict that within 20 years ice cover will be completely gone during the warmer months.
And, in 20 years, everyone will have forgotten that the groups made those predictions, so, we won’t remember to use the FAIL tag. But, it will get them notice, and, oh yes, $$$$$.
Professor Wadhams, who has analyzed the expedition data, added: “The Catlin Arctic Survey data supports the new consensus view that the Arctic will be ice-free in summer within about 20 years, and much of that decrease will be happening within 10 years.”
Consensus is NOT science.
Hadow fears that the current climate models developed by scientists may not be extreme enough. But he is hopeful that this new data will spur world leaders into action.
In other words, he thinks the models do not lie enough to scare people into living like it’s 1799.
Awe, they even have a cute picture of a polar bear on the ice looking sad
Too bad the polar bear population is exploding.
And, oh, the polar bear isn’t really sad. He/she is figuring out a way to get to the photographer for a quick snack.

Teach the warmest year was in 2005. Both the US Army and the US Navy believe that global climate change is a very serious matter of national security. Do you consider them to be frightened foolish leftists ?
According to some essays that It seems unthinkable, but for the first time in human history, ice is on course to disappear entirely from the North Pole this year.
The disappearance of the Arctic sea ice, making it possible to reach the Pole sailing in a boat through open water, would be one of the most dramatic – and worrying – examples of the impact of global warming on the planet. Scientists say the ice at 90 degrees north may well have melted away by the summer.
From the viewpoint of science, the North Pole is just another point on the globe, but symbolically it is hugely important. There is supposed to be ice at the North Pole, not open water,” said Mark Serreze of the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado.
If it happens, it raises the prospect of the Arctic nations being able to exploit the valuable oil and mineral deposits below these a bed which have until now been impossible to extract because of the thick sea ice above.
Seasoned polar scientists believe the chances of a totally icefreeNorth Pole this summer are greater than 50:50 because the normally thick ice formed over many years at the Pole has been blown away and replaced by hugeswathes of thinner ice formed over a single year.
This one-year ice is highly vulnerable to melting during thesummer months and satellite data coming in over recent weeksshows that the rate of melting is faster than last year, when therewas an all-time record loss of summer sea ice at the Arctic.
“The issue is that, for the first time that I am aware of, the NorthPole is covered with extensive first-year ice – ice that formed last autumn and winter. I’d say it’s even-odds whether the North Pole melts out,” said Dr Serreze.
Each summer the sea ice melts before reforming again during the long Arctic winter but the loss of sea ice last year was so extensive that much of the Arctic Ocean became open water, with the water-ice boundary coming just 700 miles away from the North Pole, The Independent reports.
Click here to read the full text of the article.
As Pravda.Ru previously reported the computer of the Russian Academy of Sciences reproduced the climate of the past and gave the detailed analysis of the climate of the future. Academician Valentin Dimnikov said that the global warming at the end of the 22nd century would count more than three degrees. The warming will be quite considerable in the 21 century too.
As far as the geographic distribution of the climate change is concerned, the strongest warming will take place in 200 years in the Arctic. The ice of the North Pole will thaw and appear only in winter time. The temperature of temperate latitudes of all continents in the northern hemisphere will rise by four or six degrees. The warming above the oceans and in the southern hemisphere will be less considerable – two or three degrees.
“Global Climate Change” has little to do with humans!!!
Volcanoes spew more CO2 and toxic chemicals into the air than humans do each year. The sunspot activity on our sun changes the temp’s more than any human activity has ever done. The earth isn’t even as warm as it was before the “little ice age” – that’s only a 1 thousand years ago… back when they had actual vineyards in England. So it’s not really that hard to predict temps are increasing following an ice age, it’s called normal long-term climate patterns.
spend some with Anthony Watts – and you’ll will learn something new without all the hysteria.
Now – If you want to talk pollution controls, I’m fine with that, but quit blaming humanity’s 3/10ths of a percent contribution to CO2 as the reason for “Global Climatic Change”.
Norby you are RIGHT !! sunspot activity DOES have an effect on temps. However, for the last 10 years or so sunspot activity has been very low, the sun has been dim and cool. But for some reason the temps have gone UP. And Norby the same with volcanic activity, we are NOT having a high amount of volcanic activity, so that also is not the reason for the increase in temps. Any other ideas ?
And Norby do you think that the US NAvy and the US Army are wrong about the seriousness of climate change ?
Norby perhaps you should take a look at what the US Army War College has to say, quite frankly I find them more credible than a TV weatherhead in Chico CA
Norby you are RIGHT !! sunspot activity DOES have an effect on temps. However, for the last 10 years or so sunspot activity has been very low, the sun has been dim and cool. But for some reason the temps have gone UP. And Norby the same with volcanic activity, we are NOT having a high amount of volcanic activity, so that also is not the reason for the increase in temps. Any other ideas ?
And Norby do you think that the US NAvy and the US Army are wrong about the seriousness of climate change ?
Norby perhaps you should take a look at what the US Army War College has to say, quite frankly I find them more credible than a TV weatherhead in Chico CA
OMG Another day of RECORD HIGH TEMPS this time in Tacoma WA It is happening all over the country. This must DEFINITELY PROVE that either global warming is real, or, that temp records are simply broken somewhere just about every day. WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE !! someday
OMG MOre record high temps this time 102 in AZ in Oct
Is this any more or less important than any low temp record being broken someplace else in the USA ?