Religion of Peace
Noor Almaleki’s lifestyle would not strike many Americans as unusual.
The 20-year-old had pages on Facebook and MySpace. She had lots of friends. She posted details about her 5-foot-3 frame, along with an alluring photo, on a Web site for aspiring models and actresses. She lived with her boyfriend and his mother.
That lifestyle, police say, landed her in a Valley trauma center Tuesday afternoon, unconscious and bleeding, and sent her father, Faleh Hassan Almaleki, on the run. It may yet kill her.
Peoria police said they believe Faleh, 48, plowed into his daughter with his silver 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Also run over was Amal Edan Khalaf, the mother of Noor’s boyfriend, while the women were in the parking lot of a state Department of Economic Security
office.Khalaf’s condition was improving Friday, but Noor remained in “life-threatening” condition, police said. Her father remained at large.
Let’s pray that Noor will be OK.
Police interviews with friends and family revealed that Faleh, a Glendale resident, had threatened his daughter before for becoming “too Westernized” and failing to live by traditional Iraqi values.
Such tolerance.
Meanwhile, Davi Barker with the Charlotte Examiner tries to spin a story about the 5,000 honour killings world wide into being about “not really Muslim.” First, he forgets the part about honour killings happening mostly in Muslim countries. Second, before you attempt to slam Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch, maybe you should reconsider wearing a kafiya in support of Palestinian terrorist, Davi.

Teach in the USA over 500 children are killed each year by their parents, for a variety of reasons. One of the more common reasons is because “God told them to do it” Why is this one particular killing deserving of our attention ? Is it scapegoating? Blaming an entire group of people for the actions of one individual ? This of course was what the right wing Nazis did to the Jews as part of their efforts to demonize and dehumanize them before committing genocide upon them.
Well that stupid git obviously was no more a real Muslim than the stupid 13 century “crusaders” were Christians. There are always disgusting murdering scumbag idiots committing heinous crimes in the name of some religion or other, but the truth is they are not part of the real religion, but brainless blood-thirsty narcisistic idiots with a warped idea of how they want the world to rock to their twisted tune. And I’m sick of all the anti-Christian twats always whining about the so-called right wing nazis (who were actually socialists) and non-Muslims always yelling every time some idiot steps out of line in the name of Islam and does something depraved. No culture is innocent of bloody acts in the misused name of religion. Yes, people have killed their children w/o claiming it in the name of some religion. Susan Smith, Andrea Yaites. Anyway, the dirty git who attempted this particular killing, when will he and others of a similar mindset grow a brain and realize there is absolutely no honor in killing especially your own family? Sheesh! *fumes*