Food for thought #1
Kansas City Chiefs running back Larry Johnson issued his second apology in 12 months Tuesday and was told to stay away from the team while the NFL and the Chiefs complete their investigation into his use of a gay slur.
As Johnson was releasing his apology, a national gay rights advocacy organization called on the league and the team to take disciplinary action against the two-time Pro Bowl selection.
ESPN broadcaster Bob Griese has been suspended for one week for a remark he made about NASCAR driver Juan Pablo Montoya.
Network spokesman Josh Krulewitz said Griese would not be working a college football game this week. Krulewitz said ESPN has spoken to Griese and “he understands the comment was inappropriate.”
During ESPN’s coverage of the Minnesota-Ohio State game on Saturday, a graphic was shown listing the top five drivers in NASCAR’s points race. Fellow analyst Chris Spielman asked: Where was Montoya?
Griese replied, “Out having a taco.”
Pauline Howe, 67, a committed Christian, was questioned by two police officers after she wrote a letter to Norwich City Council about its decision to allow the march.
She wrote: “It is shameful that this small, but vociferous lobby should be allowed such a display unwarranted by the minimal number of homosexuals.”
Florida Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson issued a written apology Tuesday evening for a comment for a month-old comment that has stirred controversy on Capitol Hill in recent days.
During a September radio interview, Grayson called Linda Robertson, an aide to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who has also worked as a lobbyist, a “K Street whore.”
Hmm, that’s weird, the last one has no consequences, despite being a supposed elected public official. Imagine had he been a Republican. Good thing he didn’t use a gay or racial slur, he might have been in big trouble.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU