CBS News may be somewhat toeing the Barry Line today, but, here is what they had to say last night
The White House just seems to be pulling their numbers out of their, um, posteriors
New job numbers from businesses, contractors, state and local governments, nonprofit groups and universities were not scheduled to be released publicly until Friday afternoon. But Biden said the reports will show 640,329 jobs created or saved directly through federal contracts.
Sure, lots of jobs were saved, mostly all in the government sector, as so many state and local governments were going to have to lay off government employees due to the recession, made worse by Democrat policies.
House GOP Leader John Boehner had this to say
“The trillion dollar ‘stimulus’ isn’t working, and no amount of phony statistics can change that. The President and his economic team promised the ‘stimulus’ would create jobs ‘immediately’ and unemployment would stay below eight percent. But America has lost more than three million jobs since then, and the unemployment rate is nearing double digits. After promising earlier this year that 90 percent of the ‘jobs created’ would be in the private sector, the White House’s announcement today shows that the ‘stimulus’ has only grown the size of the government payroll.
“While Washington keeps spending and piling more debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren, out-of-work families keep asking, ‘where are the jobs?’ Republicans have proposed better solutions to help small businesses start creating jobs again. It’s time for Democrats in Washington to work with us on common sense solutions to help small businesses struggling in today’s economy.â€
Like everything else, the Stimulus plan results are just smoke and mirrors.