So says the Wall Street Journal
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reportedly told fellow Democrats that she’s prepared to lose seats in 2010 if that’s what it takes to pass ObamaCare, and little wonder. The health bill she unwrapped last Thursday, which President Obama hailed as a “critical milestone,” may well be the worst piece of post-New Deal legislation ever introduced.
In a rational political world, this 1,990-page runaway train would have been derailed months ago. With spending and debt already at record peacetime levels, the bill creates a new and probably unrepealable middle-class entitlement that is designed to expand over time. Taxes will need to rise precipitously, even as ObamaCare so dramatically expands government control of health care that eventually all medicine will be rationed via politics.
Rather than try and excerpt or break down a long, detailed article, I would highly suggest you read it, especially you government health care supporters. Maybe, perhaps, hopefully, you folks on the Left will understand just how bad this is for the country, and you and your family. Also, you might realize that this is all a smoke screen for the reality of what the Democrats want, and how it will affect YOU.
All of this is intentional, even if it isn’t explicitly acknowledged. The overriding liberal ambition is to finish the work began decades ago as the Great Society of converting health care into a government responsibility. Mr. Obama’s own Medicare actuaries estimate that the federal share of U.S. health dollars will quickly climb beyond 60% from 46% today. One reason Mrs. Pelosi has fought so ferociously against her own Blue Dog colleagues to include at least a scaled-back “public option” entitlement program is so that the architecture is in place for future Congresses to expand this share even further.
Democrats want to control you and your healthcare. Period. They do not care how good, or bad, your health care is.

2000 pages ?? Teach why don;t YOU read it and then tell us all about it OK ?
the government also wants to control the healthcare of all seniors through Medicare and the healthcare of all vets through the VA. Teach are you in favor of ending these programs ?
I think we should euthanize everyone 65 and over, and eat them. So we can stop global warming.
See, John hates people.
But maybe they’re tasty?