Apparently, Israel is exporting hippos, now. Wait, what?
The latest export from the land of milk and honey is a grass-chomping mammal that hangs out in rivers and lakes and is apparently hard to sedate.
Israel’s top safari says it has become the world’s top exporter of hippopotamuses, having successfully sent more than a dozen of the artiodactyls to zoos worldwide in the past few months.
“There is no profit in this export field, but without a doubt we are a unique zoo because zoos in general have only a small number of hippos,” said Sagit Horowitz, the spokeswoman for the Ramat Gan Safari outside of Tel Aviv.
WordPress spellcheck doesn’t even like the word artiodactyls (doesn’t like the word “wordpress, either.)Â Think about working with polar bears, Israel!

Maybe if the right stopped hating American Jews (Schumer,Frank,Feinstein,Rahm Emanual,Bernie Sanders) than the GOP would get more of the votes of American Jews who typically vote 80% for the Democrats. But some on the right think that they know better than American Jews what is best for Israel, sort of like the GOPs position on American blacks where they think they know what is best for these and other minority groups.
Who is this johnny ryan, and why does he hate Joe Lieberman and conservative Jews? And why is it the Left hates Israel and all the Jews who live there, eh johnny boy?
Man, the IDF could use some polar bears.
Johnny will eat the Jew haters. He said so earlier.
And he called me a poopy head.