I’m sure this was all just prompted by those crazy folks in the Vast Right Wing Conspriacy, just doing their level best to keep the man down. Oh, and surely, they are all raaaaacists to boot
Attorney General Buddy Caldwell has served a search warrant at the ACORN office at 2609 Canal Street, according to Tammi Arender Herring, a spokeswoman with the office.
Investigators in khaki pants and polo shirts loaded several dozen computers and other electronic items into an SUV. They are also carrying records out of the building on handcarts.
The large office building sits at the corner of Dorgenois and Canal. ACORN staffers were given no notice that a search would be conducted today, Herring said.
Early last month, Caldwell’s office issued subpoenas for records from ACORN’s New Orleans office, where the organization — now moving its national headquarters to Washington — has long been based.
Today’s search is an outgrowth of those subpoenas, which stemmed from an investigation by Caldwell’s office into the embezellement of ACORN funds by Dale Rathke, a brother of the organization’s founder, Wade Rathke, Herring said.
Hmm, moving their main office to Washington, DC? I wonder why? You don’t suppose it is because federally elected Democrats will be able to better protect them them from law enforcement, do you, and that they will be closer to those who give them their money? Na, couldn’t be

johnny wants his vote to count at LEAST twice.
ACORN should be returned to the members. The control of the organization should be taken from Senior Management and a complicit weak
National board.
They’re not serving a search warrant, they’re helping protect the office in case Hurricane Ida takes a jog to the left. /sarc