I guess this is the point where I have to sound a bit misogynist, but, seriously, for elected Representatives, they sure sound like those 40’s women who are delicate and have to be protected by their men folk. Of course, we are talking about Lefty men folk, so, that makes these Democrat women even more shrinking hollyhocks. Think Progress is having a total meltdown (shocker!)
This morning, the House began consideration of the rule for debate of the House health care bill. As the Democratic Women’s Caucus took to the microphone on the House floor to offer their arguments for how the bill would benefit women, House Republicans — led by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) — repeatedly talked over, screamed, and shouted objections. “I object, I object, I object, I object, I object,†Price interjected as Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) tried to hold the floor.
In an effort to delay and derail the proceedings, the Republicans continually talked over the Democratic women for half an hour. They sought to prevent the debate by calling for unnecessary “parliamentary inquiries†and requests for “expanding the debate†by an hour.
After being repeatedly interrupted by Republican shouts, Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH) observed:
Do I not have the right to be able to continue my sentence without objections that are trying to censor my remarks here on the floor that I have a right to make as a member of this House?
You sure do, Mary Jo, but, hey, I wonder what was really going on?
Update 11:06am Eastern. A parade of female Democrats are using the House resolution process to play the gender card on Pelosicare and eat into general debate time through unanimous consent requests. GOP Reps are objecting. Chair John Dingell shutting up GOP reps. Repubs want an extension of an hour on debate to balance the female Dem circus.
A female Republican rep is objecting. Dingell is ignoring her.
Update 1130am Eastern. The female Democrat parade continues. Dingell finally, lamely, chides Dem Rep Slaughter that her parade needs to limit its unanimous consent request embellishments. They ignore him. He will now charge Slaughter time.
Female Dems end their parade with a Democrat screeching about domestic violence. Finally ruled out of order.
Dingell had to protect all these shrinking shrieking Milkweeds as they went about their Kibuki theater. Sheesh, I thought the Dem women had worked so hard to get that title. It’s just a thing.

Hasn’t it been drilled into our heads how “feminists” are supposed to be so tough? These harridans whine like pre-schoolers. Good thing they have the media and Hollywood manufacturing credibility for them.
Well, as soon as it is necessary, they get all weepy and week. I used to love when Pelosi would going whining off to Dubya when a Republican had the audacity to stand up to her unhingedness.