Happy Sunday! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, the GOP is poised for a massive pickup in 2010.
This pinup is by Alberto Vargas, requested by O Bloody Hell, with a we bit of help. Tough finding Vargas to post, so many have nudity
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Don’t forget to visit Just Because You’re Paranoid to witness Excitable Chucky vs. the 9 Principles
- What could be better than bears playing ice hockey? Cassandra has the video, and then some!
- Hey, good news! Ft. Hood jihadist Hasan worshipped at same mosque as 9/11 hijackers. Wizbang has the 411
- This ain’t Hell points out that the Berlin Wall is 20 years gone
- Right Wing Nut House has thoughts on the passage of the health system monstrosity
- House trades freedom for health coverage. Headline at Outside The Beltway
- Jumping In Pools points out that 14 of the Blue Dogs that voted “aye” live in Conservative districts
- Over at Jammie Wearing Fool, Just A Grunt says that Congress voted to fire him last night
- Say, I wonder what Barney Frank has been doing with the cops as of late? Gay Patriot has the answer
- Over to the lighter, and sexier, side, Don Surber tells us about a Lance Corporal who is now Miss England. What, no lingerie goodness, Don?
- Say, I wonder how President and Mrs. Bush handled the Ft. Hood massacre? The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler brings us the 411
- Over at Blogm0cracy, we learn that 2009 looks a lot like 1993
- Gateway Pundit has the latest from Sarah Palin regarding the Dems health system monstrosity
- Jules Crittenden finds some whiners in Charleston, SC, who are upset with a long, loud tradition
- And last, but not least, Nice Deb tells us about American jihadists praying for Ft. Hood shooter Nidal Hasan
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain, Saturday Linkaround at The Blog Prof,  Holy Crap! That’s Morena Baccarin in V? And Weekend Linkfest! at Nation Of Cowards, and Keeley’s Broken Window Lesson at The Classic Liberal. Anyone else have a link or hotty fest going on? Let me know so I can feature you.
Also, The Daley Gator goes old school with his Daley Babe, The Indentured Servant Girl has naughty nurse pinups.

Hey Teach how about a Carrie Prejean pin up ? or a link to the sex tape that is out and about. Did you hear that she had been cancelled out of her Defenders of Family Council in NJ ?http://www.dailyrecord.com/article/20091106/UPDATES01/91106102/1005/rss
The Radical Right will have a hard time swallowing this one, I bet she will turn hard liberal soon and say that she was never a “real” christian, that she was just faking it.
Didn’t take your Prozac today, John?
I never do Teach. Not everyone does but IF you do it is nothing to be ashamed of. WILL we ever be hearing from Carrie here again ? She used to be mentioned here rather frequently when she was the “victim” of the left. But now it seems that after a slight blemish on her character UNDER THE BUS SHE GOES