World Climate Report does a great job in putting all the climate data together, and comes up with
Early last January, when the final 2008 numbers were in for the U.S. annual average temperature, we ran an article titled “U.S. Temperatures 2008: Back to the Future?†in which we noted that “The temperature in 2008 dropped back down to the range that characterized most of the 20th century.â€
2009 seems to be following in 2008’s footsteps.
The national average temperature had been elevated ever since the big 1998 El Niño, which was leading some folks to clamor that global warming was finally showing up in the U.S. temperature record. “Finally,†because prior to 1998, there was little sign that anything unusual was going on with U.S. average temperatures (Figure 1). The end of the record was hardly any different than any other portion of the record. The slight overall trend arose from a couple of cool decades at the start of the 20th century rather than any unusual warmth towards the end.
United States January-October average temperature, 1895-2009 (data source: National Climate Data Center).
Shouldn’t the temps continue to go UP if CO2 released by those pesky people trying to live better lives causes global warming? How will the climate alarmists blame decreasing temperatures on Mankind and his release of CO2?

Just a little addendum, NOAA just announced the month of October as being the third coldest on record.
Global Warming, my ass. No wonder they had to change the name to Climate Change; if it’s cold, it’s Climate Change. If it’s hot, it’s Climate Change. Partly cloudy, patchy fog, light drizzle, gee-it’s-a-lovely-day-we-must-be-DOOOOOMED!!!
The sun has been very quiet since 2006… which oddly enough, just happens to correspond with the start of the cooling trend. Cycle 24 still has not gotten officially started. And if the sun remains spotless just a few weeks longer, it will come close to the longest period since… the Little Ice Age. Great fun!
One might think the sun actually had something to do with climate, and not the continually-rising CO2, which has gone up 5% since 1998.
Also note that more people, animals, and plants die from exposure to COLD than from heat. During warmer periods, flora and fauna both flourish (pardon the alliteration). This is why that chunk of ice in the middle of the north Atlantic is galled GREENLAND; when the first Viking settlers found it, it was during a warming trend. The land was fertile, excellent for farming, plenty of critters for hunting and herding, a virtual paradise.
Then the cooling trend started. Within a couple of generations, the lush paradise turned colder than Nancy Pelosi’s side of the bed. Vegetation died, then the herbivores, then the carnivores, then the humans.
No sorry TFmo NOAA has only released its data for the USA and yes it was cold, here in the USA However What we are talking about is GLOBAL climate change. Now would anyone care to go to that site, the National Climate Data Center you can see that so far this year the temps are looking like 2009 will be in the top 10 warmest years ever recorded.
The global temps are usually released around the 17th of the month, but as you can see from looking at the last month recorded September that month was the 2nd warmest ever recorded.
Here id the analysis of the Global Climate to date this year that is from Jan to Sept. So far 2009 is ranked 6th warmest
Itter the sun has been cool and dim with exceptionally low sunspot activity since the late 1990s this was when we have had most of the warmest years on record. The high record temps came during a period of low sun output which SHOULD have resulted in low temps but instead we got record highs.
2006 was the 5th warmest year on record 2007 is tied with 2006 I see no evidence of a cooling trend and this year 2009 the NCDC says is headed towards the 6th warmest.
the last time we had a year with something close to average temps was in the mid 70s
johnny likes fudged numbers.
I was going to post something similar to John’s. In this post, Teach quotes the WCR, which says that “prior to 1998, there was little sign that anything unusual was going on with U.S. average temperatures.” As John said, we’re talking about GLOBAL warming. A quick peak at the GLOBAL temperature chart shows a clear warming trend well prior to 1998.
I find it ironic, too, that Teach will mention the fact that an abnormally strong El Nino in 1998 resulted in a temperature anomaly, but then in another post, ignore that fact while stating that temperatures since that year have been lower. Way to use your selective memory, Teach. Only use arguments when they are convenient for you.
LOL, Otter. “fudged numbers”? Is that all you’ve got? No detailed debunking? Only a casual dismissal? Nice… Real scientific of you.
Teach If 2009 turns out as say the 6th warmest year (which is what is is up to Sept, will you say that this is evidence of global cooling because it was not THE hottest year ?
Quick Otter check the internet !!! I am sure that there is some Scientist” somewhere maybe Russia or Australia who says that an Ice Age is just around the corner.
And Otter, ad hominem attacks are lame, just a heads up on that in case you had not heard