Just got back from seeing 2012, and, wow, great movie. One really gets one’s moneys worth, especially at 2 hours and 28 minutes long. Many critics were blase on it, but, viewer reviews have been pretty good. Great action, great visuals, the dialogue wasn’t as over the top as in Independence Day (same with the speeches,) and great acting. Say what you will about liberals like Danny Glover, Woody Harrelson, and John Cusack, they are excellent actors. I never really got that roll your eyes moment which makes me lose focus on the film. Even some of the “mean government guys” make a good case for their actions. Unfortunately, the chick with the breast implants gets wacked near the end. Oh, well.
I’m not going to give away anything, but, if you like Independence Day, you will love this film. Solid B+.

Hmmm. I was going to skip it, as I was going to be sure the global warming/cooling/climate change was going to be the culprit. I am also wondering, since you’ve actually seen it, did the director destroy the Vatican and the uber-Jesus statue in Brazil, but then left some mosque unharmed…… not sure if its a bunch of bunk, or if there is some truth to it… anyways… maybe I’ll go see it as well…
Don’t worry, nothing to do with global warming or anything caused by Mankind. All natural, not a darned thing Mankind could do to cause it or stop it. But, yeah, they did destroy the Vatican and teh Brazilian Jesus statue, but, they did it in a way that was not denigrating to religion. They also wacked some Buddist monks, the White House, the Washington Monument, pretty much most stuff. But, they did start with California! You really did not get a sense that they were throwing politics in this, like with The Day After Tomorrow or Return of the Sith.
It has been indicated that the director had issues with showing the ka’aba (muslim holy block of rock) destroyed (he’s afraid of them). However I imagine a lot of muslims got wiped out anyway.