Another speech, another push for their leftist brownshirt “volunteerism” agenda. Now they are co-opting the military into it.
AT MISSION SERVE EVENTGeorge Washington University
Washington, D.C.2:36 P.M. EST
That’s right, she honored veterans by speaking at George Washington U. After some well deserved shout outs
It is such a privilege to be here with all of you today, on this Veterans Day, to help launch Service Nation’s new civilian-military initiative, Mission Serve.
How about just honoring the veterans, Michelle?
I want to thank Senator Merkley, who’s here, and Major General Steven Roman Abt for joining us today. And I’d also like to recognize Colonel Rob Gordon, Mission Serve’s Chair; as well as Ross Cohen, the Director for Civilian-Military Partnerships for Service Nation; and all of the people and partners who have worked so hard to create this effort. You all have done just a fabulous job.
And I also want to thank GW. (Applause.) Go GW! (Applause.) And your president, Steve Knapp, for hosting us today. (Applause.)
As some of you know, a couple of months ago I issued a little challenge to this university: that if students, faculty and staff here did 100,000 hours of community service — that I’d do what?
AUDIENCE: Speak at commencement!
MRS. OBAMA: Speak at commencement. Well, in just seven weeks — just seen weeks — you all have done more than 19,000 hours of service. That is pretty amazing. That’s wonderful. (Applause.) So if you all keep it up, maybe I’ll see you here in May, right? (Laughter.)
One of the greatest privileges that I have as First Lady is the chance to meet with veterans, and to meet with service members, and their families all across America. And I have to tell you, I always come away from every single visit with this sense of pride, and gratitude — but also with a sense of awe. True awe.
She goes on in that vein for a bit more, and, too be honest, she did a good job. But, alas
And that commitment, it doesn’t just disappear when they return to civilian life.
And then we get the rest about people volunteering. Which is great. People should volunteer. Help others out. But, of course, in Liberal World, volunteering can only be done through government programs.
And, to use Veteran’s Day to push their leftist “serve” agenda shows the Obama’s typical disdain for the military. It may sound good, but, it is basically “it takes a village” Progressive clap trap dedicated to military hater Teddy Kennedy.

I agree with your comments regarding mandatory national service and the attempt to use Orwellian new-speak to conceal the meaning of this movement for forced conscription by calling it the opposite — “volunteerism”.
I have been fighting against this trend for some time now. You can read more at my website and read my specific comments regarding Michelle Obama’s Veteran’ Day comments on my blog. The blog also contains many other entries that indicate just what a pervasive force this trend to subjugate all American citizens to a period of servitude to the state has become.
C. Jeffery Small
Obama tried to co-opt 9/11 from a day of remembrance to a day of “service”. We shouldn’t be surprised that his wife has the same agenda.