Yet another bit of evidence showing that climate alarmists and other eco-freaks are unhinged wackadoodles
Men should urinate outside on their compost heaps to help fertilise their gardens and save on flushing the lavatory, the National Trust has urged.
The rather unusual practice is already actively encouraged at stately homes around the country where “pee bales” have been deposited in secluded areas of National Trust gardens to allow male members of staff to relieve themselves.
The Trust, which actively campaigns on climate change, said answering the call of nature outside saves both on water and the energy used in flushing the lavatory.
At Wimpole Estate in Cambridgeshire up to 20 male staff are being encouraged to use a straw “pee bale” that is then added to the compost heap and eventually spread on the garden and fields.
Is there any need to discuss how nuts this is? Nope. But, we can always pray three times a day to Mother Gaia to help her cool down. Oh, wait, we are already cooling down.

So what religions are you mocking now Teach ? Here is that Pope saying go green
Pat Robertson evangelist and head of the 700 club ?
And of course we also know that the US Army is already on board AND specifically cites AGW as the cause
Arctic ice cover was the 3rd smallest in history. Would this be considered being caused by “cooling” because it was the the absolute smallest ?
Third smallest in less than 100 years of measurement. Taken against at least half a billion years of polar caps I suspect that it means very little.
And of course we know that the US military does not get to turn down an ORDER to produce such studies, regardless of whether or not the whole thing is FAUX.