On Friday, we found out that the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit server was hacked, which was, as The Air Vent put it, 62mb of gold. The files, especially the emails, are very damning to the AGW movement, and could be the final nail in the coffin of human induced global warming, er, climate change, whateverthehell they are calling it this week. They show collusion, corruption, manipulation, and obstruction. As Andrew Bolt puts it
Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.
Emails such as this
I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. (Watts Up With That? has a good breakdown of this email as it relates to the so-called hockey stick)
We see fantasies of violence against skeptics, gloating at the death of skeptic John L. Daly, suppression of evidence, and forcing dissenting views out of academia. Wouldn’t want people to actually practice science, you know.
The big media is covering it, and, in some cases, trying to spin it away, as the NY Times tries, along with the Guardian. Others get all sorts of “hey, let’s cover both sides of the issue fairly,” which only happens when they know their side is in deep doo doo.
Michelle Malkin calls it the climate scandal of the century, but, I’m not so sure about that. The entire issue of anthropogenic global warming is a scandal. A fake issue that originally started as a few scientists wondering if Mankind’s output of greenhouse gasses, in particular, CO2, were causing a warming trend. This was quickly hijacked by people who realized they could use it to make themselves some money, often mandated by Government, turn themselves into stars, and, oh, initiate a way to put people, companies, and economies, heck, even countries, under the control of Government, just as their 70’s and 80’s love of the repressive Soviet Union government told them to.
Don’t believe me? We’ve heard about it many times before. Lord Monckton stated that he had read the Copenhagen draft treaty, and it would be the death knell of American sovereignty and freedom. Oh, and here’s EU President Herman Van Rompuy, telling us what the point is
“The Climate Conference in Copenhagen is another step forward towards the global management of our planet…”
Fortunately, we are learning that the Boxer/Kerry cap n’ screw you legislation is pretty much dead, just like the AGW movement after the hacking of the CRU server. Of course, some Climahysterics would be happy when some of the bigger names in the anti-AGW movement kick the bucket and stop exposing the insanity and BS coming from Climahysterics.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU

You people are so full of it.
These people were caught lying through their teeth about their numbers, which were used as the basis for the AGW hysteria, and WE’RE full of it? Congratulations, John. You’ve admirably demonstrated the simple definition of insanity; doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result.
Any sane person would be furious at being duped, but oh no, not you. A sane person would be feeling betrayed, after supporting this theory so vehemently. A sane person would be wondering if they lied about this, what else did they lie about? If the theory is based on deception, why would someone continue to support it?
But not you. Those of us who have been trying to explain to you that this was a scam are the one’s that are “full of it.”
You’re an idealogue, John. It doesn’t matter to you whether or not there is any actual honesty involved; you’ve got your meme, you’ve got your marching orders from Soros and Obama and Sterns and Rathke, that’s all you need.
This is why we laugh at you and call you an idiot, John. You aren’t interested in actual debate; the science is settled, RIGHT?
There’s a lot of interesting material to found in these emails… hiding warming trends in the 40s, substituting proxie data for real climate data where needed (helps get rid of the Mideival Warm Period, for one). How to prevent people from getting their material peer-reviewed. How to discredit publications that print research which might cast doubt on the POV they want people to have. ‘Did you erase that info?’ and other amusing little tidbits.
Unfortunately I have to figure that there is major scrambling going on in at least a score of other sites, as emails are purged, sample series are destroyed, passwords are changed…
Will it be enough to bring the bastards down? One can only hope.
Oh, and johnny:
Ooops. Well, who wants to talk to johnny, anyway?
[…] thanks to Atlas Shrugs, Ace of Spades, The Other McCain, Pirate’s Cove, Right Wing News, Michelle Malkin, and Der Speigel for unknowingly providing the backdrop for the […]
Van Rompuy has let the cat out of the bag with that one. He, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, et. al. want nothing less than world government it seems. The Left apparently still clings to the Roddenberry-ish idea that this is a good thing and it has the added benefit of sating their lust for power. Our Fearless Leader is determined to make us all wards of the state—that has been clear for quite some time now. We just didn’t know he wants us to be wards of a global state.
Quoted from and Linked to at:
Care to expand on your comment, John? You say we’re full of it, yet, we weren’t the ones caught writing those emails.