Happy Sunday! A good day for some football. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with the help of a few folks throwing the pigskin.
What is happening in ye olde blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Gateway Pundit has video of Sarah Palin slamming Obama for going around the world bowing
- Just One Minute catches the Washington Post pulling some silliness regarding the CRU emails
- Blogmocracy reminds us what happened 46 years ago
- Atlas Shrugs has a great way to show your support for Rifqa Bary
- Basil provides an interesting comparison between Dingy Harry’s health bill and Harry Potter
- Hey, cool, bikini clad babes and crocodiles. What could possibly go wrong? Blue Crab Boulevard has the story
- Did you know that ObamaCare could raise costs for special needs children? Cassy Fiano has the 411
- Over at Christmas Ghost, we have Excitable Chucky telling us the science is settled, stop looking!
- Obama throws Oprah under the massive bus? Cynthia Yockey has the story
- Flopping Aces brings the Sunday Funnies
- Remember the Columbia noose liar? Well, she’s suing yet again. Head over to Jammie Wearing Fool for the details
- Jumping In Pools catches Mad King Charles attacking Rush. I hate to have that lizard fool in two Sunday links, but, JIP does a great job in rebuttal
- Moonbattery shows us exactly how the Senate, heck, the government works. Must see picture
- Darleen Click (protein wisdom) points out that “feminists” are funny
- And last, but certainly not least, we have Bush vs. Obama at Right Wing Sparkle
While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain, Saturday Linkaround at The Blog Prof, Joanna Krupa Is Allergic TO Clothes And Weekend Linkfest! at Nation Of Cowards, Your Weekly Linktastical Journey Around The Blogosphere at The Daley Gator, and Gemma and The Government’s Never Ending Lies at The Classic Liberal (not really a linkaround this week, but, Gemma Atkinson in various bikinis? You bet I’m linking). Anyone else have a link or hotty fest going on?Let me know so I can feature you.
Oh, and Camp of Saints goes old school with Rule 5 hotties.
Hey, and don’t forget to vote for me!

[…] Jean Claude Van Damme, Dita Von Teese & Cory Everson Stacy Keibler! Scarlett Johansson Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup […]
Thanks. They don’t make ’em like that anymore.